without the problem of the question there is nicely all that energy

Quietly racist? Her coverage of Black Lives Matter? Trayvon Martin protests? George Zimmerman? Racist.

Some compensation? I hope it’s a lot. An experience of being falsely imprisoned must be among the most traumatic that you can have. It will never leave this man, ever.

Just went on a date with a man who neglected to tell me that he had just come out of the closet 3 months ago at age 70, and was divorcing his wife of 50 years. I could only stare at the table.

I am sorry to say that your question answers itself.

The great constant though, is lamps.

The requirement that a jury cannot consider lesser charges until after they have found the defendant not guilty of the highest one can create a riot in the jury deliberations. I was on a case where every jury member absolutely believed the defendant was guilty of something (it was a crime committed in many stages)

I think it’s anything gay men and lesbians do with their respective partners.

leaning against a porta potty.

I’m willing to bet that the video is going to show a pair of cops who keep tasering a man, without giving him a chance to comply. Because I think almost everyone complies after being tased once, if not three times. 12 is pure torture and incompetence. And apparently, murder. Kind of people who throw rocks at birds.

With these people in attendance, the baby shower should be right out of Rosemary’s Baby.

He didn’t like the way the victim looked at him? Through a pair of car windows, one of which was moving? Nothing more that a flailing and incompetent man grasping at straws to explain the unspeakable and save his guilty ass.

To make sport of people during a process where their very liberty is at stake is torture. These sadists, (and that is what they are), should at the very least be immediately fired, and in such a way that governmental work is not an option for them for the remainder of their lives.

Because a 19 year old with 80 houses and 100 cars needs more money.

Why does anybody want to wear what people wear in wars? Even in a tangerine version?

I’m not miles away from you on that, but he’s clearly loving being able to give the performance. There are far worse childhoods than that. I met a young homeless woman a while back who confided to me that she’d been on the child pageant circuit, right along with Jon Benet. I began to commiserate about how awful that

If Trump were the businessman he says he is he’d hold an auction between TV networks for his commentary during the testimony on Thursday.

Can I marry both of them? Just think, they could be my entire nonstop life!

But what about people who don’t like to talk to other people, let alone groups of 25? What about people who go crazy at the thought of talking with a group of strangers about “life”? What about people who like silence and dislike being groped? Don’t we get any money? Are we left with nothing? Are we the fucking

I don’t know about the expectation of privacy, but I do know that there’s a pretty good expectation of wrongdoing when people are yelling at you to stop recording violence.

On the One Direction left overs. I consider it a compliment when I praise somebody’s art, by saying I would never make it. Means the artist is original and so am I.