without the problem of the question there is nicely all that energy

Obamas give between 15% and 25% of gross income to charity each year. They are shining examples of civic service, generosity and discretion. Honestly, I feel like my values are being rewarded, when I hear B is getting a big speaking fee.

Yes, but the criminalization of any drug makes it more expensive. Addicts, including heavy pot users, often engage in (mostly petty) criminality to get money for drugs. I volunteer in prison and a jail. Easily 50% of my clients are there because of dealing or dealing related offenses motivated by the need to pay for

A major factor of why prisons are the way they are, is that almost everything about prisons is secret. Polite people don’t know about prison conditions. Everything from the uniforms to the staffing, the cardboard food, the scratchy uniforms which are too hot in the summer and too cold in winter, the thickness of

It looks like the nuclear war is over and the cockroaches have survived in the white house.

In the war of optics, does he think he stands anywhere near the goose stepping conscripts of the North Korean madman?

Seriously. It’s been an exhausting day for the governor? Poor baby.

Perhaps all justices who do not strap themselves to a cot and mimick a death row inmate about to receive a lethal injection should also be barred from ruling on death penalty cases.

Oh, I see. They are rushing to do it because they have no appetite for killing people rapidly in order to beat a deadline.

People should thank him for his generosity and be respectful about his private life.

Isn’t it nice, then, to be old? I think so. I think it is wonderful that I would never be tempted to dress like that. (and never would have).

Everything that was going on at the rally where Nwanguma was abused was violent. Trump is at his most rancid and ugly. He was giving his crowd quite the little show. You can hear him in the background sneering and whining about sissies who are afraid of waterboarding. Because talking about torture excites his

I hate crowds. I hate forced or fake spontaneity, doing what everyone else is doing, it makes me incredibly self conscious. Because I don’t believe everyone feels the same thing. I like manners a bunch. I do love dancing with a partner in a club, there’s nothing fake about dancing with a partner in a club, that’s

Be careful what you wish for, you might be quickly nostalgic for Spicer. My worst nightmare of a presidential spokesperson is Katrina Pearson. Unlike him, she is absolutely competent at lying.

When your outlet is taken away from you, when your catharsis is stripped from you, and you don’t understand why and you’re so disappointed and you’re so blindsided by it, it hurts.

God, Obama was so young!

Seriously? You are going to weigh in on Koons by calling his work tacky? I hope you realize how tacky that is.

Warhol did the same. Was also bloated egotist. Has nothing to do with the artistic value of his work, nor that of Koons.

I found a perfectly hilarious foot long mona lisa cylinder clutch on Canal Street in the late 70s.

DT “explaining” international diplomacy to the leader of China must have been insufferable.