
He’s simultaneously trying to tank the deal and Twitter’s stock just like he does with Bitcoin and other shit when he starts tweeting out his ass.

He should be forced to go through with the buy as he previously stated.

LOL trying to show cause to sink the deal to not have to pay the billion. What a fucking chode this guy is. If I never hear anything from or about pedo guy Musky again it will be too soon. 

I will draw so many ugly pictures of apes for Fort Worth if they pay my electric bill in exchange.

All the current conservative whining about free speech is less about free speech as it is a bunch of moronic entitled whining manbabies throwing a baby fit because Twitter and Facebook rightly banned their idol, the King of Whining and Lying Manbaby in Chief, who they think the Magical Sky Troll has sent from above,

Hopefully he pays his security guards a good amount. First he whines about a teenager tracking him now this? Dude needs to get his emotions in check. Maybe buy a bed to sleep on instead of a factory floor.

This ------->>>>>> Musk has shown himself to be a needy and pathetic billionaire craving the adoration of the worst people online.”

FFS why can’t we elect people that don’t feel the need to bring their bullshit religion into their politics?


Eggs, Potatoes, MSG, Whole Milk, Frozen Fruits/Vegetables, Coffee.

“I’m a nice guy.”
“Do you know who I am?”
“I’m brutally honest.”
“You’ll change your mind.”
“Because I can.”
Anything having to do with being an “alpha”
“You’re so sensitive.”
“You’ve just lost a customer.”
“I tell it like it is.”
“Sorry, I can’t help it, I’m a [insert zodiac sign].”
“Don’t give me excuses.”
“I’m just asking

I believe the word you’re looking for is ‘spoopy.’

Don’t cram every possible article into pointless, unnecessary slideshows. So thank you for not doing it here.

Now playing

Astro is terrible and will almost certainly throw itself down a flight of stairs if presented the opportunity.”

Unfortunately, this will probably set precedent for future, yet unknown disease outbreaks where people will decide to hold off getting vaccinated unless they get free stuff or cash. My state has been offering $100 for new vaccinations and one neighbor has said, “Only $100? I’m gonna hold out for at least $250.”.

Our reward isn’t free shit, it’s the antibodies we made along the way.

Meanwhile all the responsible people who got vaccinated in the spring, learning they could’ve gotten free shit if they had acted like stubborn, selfish assholes:

One thing to remember is that no one is likely to find your baby as cute as you do. A lot of people will think it’s cute, many will think it’s very cute, and many will think it’s ugly; there’s nothing you can do about that except to recognize it and understand that even though you think every single picture you took

Can we see this in the real world?

This is all fine theoretically but cars in both lanes are usually much closer than that and many will not let you in especially at the merge point. Call me an asshole all you want but if I see a wide enough opening in traffic anywhere before the merge point, I’m going for it. I’m not going to rush in like a maniac.