
Ray Ratto thinks every time a team wants a play reviewed, it should have to pay $1 million in cash on the spot to a local charity, or take the call it got and shut up about it.

The article clearly notes that most of these are not literal buffets, but instead you can order unlimited sushi that is then prepared for you at the time.

I would actually kind of love it if this became the “Al Capone tax evasion” of the Trump administration. If manage to dodge all the accusations of obstruction but end up in prison for throwing a shitty, expensive party, it would have a certain poetic grace.

I heard North Korea censors BBC.

They don’t want to eat tainted meat, they want to sell it to you.

If we HAVE to stand for a specific song, and HAVE to put our hands on our hearts or risk getting jacked are we really free?

Higher chance of him having to eat a bear’s ass in prison

it would absolutely whip ass if this guy was eaten alive by a bear or something

I’m with you unless it was a sad clown. You don’t mess around with sad clowns as they will eff your shit up   

There couldn’t have been a clown involved.

After all, it wasn’t a Carnival Cruise

Maybe there was a clown and it’s a massive cover-up from Big Cruise.

Even if this graph weren’t transphobic it would still need to be burned with fire for the heinous crime of having 5 be the midpoint of the X-axis and 6 be the midpoint of the Y-axis.

Then the law means nothing. Which means I am not bound by it either. In that case I see a fucking MAGA hat I knock out the motherfucking racist traitor wearing it.

I can’t stand it! I know you planned it! 

Because shut up, Kyle.

But he mentioned three times he has a girlfriend like he does in every article, as a defense mechanism, so theres’ that

Fat jokes are fun! 

Appears you don’t need the Mt Dew.      Too many calories

It is best to tip in cash