
Yeah! The PS1 never ran at less than 60FPS. There was no pop-in and all the textures looked amazing.

Only in Apple’s world is a 12 inch laptop running a core M processor for $1300 dollars considered “drool worthy”

Only in Apple’s world is a 12 inch laptop running a core M processor for $1300 dollars considered “drool worthy”

Surprised at the Yes rating. The positives don’t seem to outweigh the negatives, imo. But I guess it has Star Wars in the name so....

Love is blind, I suppose, but I find this car absolutely effing gross to look at. Looks like some Chinese knockoff of something that didn’t look great to begin with.

I suppose its nice to have options. For me, when I cheat in a game I tend to lose interest really fast.

He’s funny, until you’ve heard him say the same thing 60 times if you play a few hours straight. Not to mention his 5 or 6 song selection that gets repeated over and over...

A quick tip updating the usefulness of the item naming function:

Wow, I’m 27 hrs in on PC and have not run into a single terminal lock up, and only one crash. Are you running some kind of bleeding edge hardware build or something?

To be honest, I prefer when a game doesn’t just drop you into a system and tell you exactly how it works. It’s neat cause it gives you a way to explore for yourself.

The map design is largely fantastic for the reasons you listed. The extra routes make traveling the level so much fun.

The multiplayer is fantastic, and it really feels like Fahey is intentionally selling it short. The traversal is nothing like Advance Warfare, and far more akin to Titanfall in style. The maps are actually bigger than ever before, including hidden routes, swimming, and actually forcing players to stop camping for

Amen to that. I almost prefer the old jrpg method of just buying upgraded gear at new towns and being done with it

Crafting is the bane of RPGs.

Let this be a reminder to people, check your tire pressures. This is what just 1.5 PSI difference between them will do!

There are no press X to moments in the game! Huzzah!

Remember Advanced Warfare?

I will stop using AdBlock when sites stop using obnoxious adds.

Hey! It’s Brian C. who won $139 on FanDuel!!