DVD drives don’t pull data off the disc faster than blu-rays.... That’s the dumbest thing I have ever heard, and I just read this article.
DVD drives don’t pull data off the disc faster than blu-rays.... That’s the dumbest thing I have ever heard, and I just read this article.
The thing is, the consoles ARE easy to set up. Do they take a bit of time and effort? Sure, what doesn’t? But if you honestly think we’re still in the SNES era when you plug and play stuff, you’re just sadly mistaken. I’m happy with both my consoles, despite initial waiting times to set up MS accounts and such. But…
Just wait a few more years my friend. When me and my sister were kids I used to give her a dead controller on a 1p game and tell her she was playing. Worked for a fucking long time. Sure she hates video games now, but I’m addicted to marijuana and she’s about to be a dentist.
Forgetting the balancing issues, there just wasn’t enough to pull me back. I know people keep saying it’s not a Battlefield game, but it really is, just with a Star Wars skin and some neat vehicles and power ups. The maps are designed just like Battlefield maps. Aside from the aforementioned items, you play the game…
I played it one night and haven’t felt the urge to go back. The use of the license is cool, but the game seems shallow and there are plenty of balancing issues. And a $50 season pass for a game launching with 12 maps? GTFO, EA.
I got tired of it two days ago, but thanks anyways.
It was fun for about 1 hour...they nailed the star wars visuals and sounds, but that’s it...
Right? Like, its ok. But I just cant see this being a $60 game. Maybe a $15...
Nostalgia aside, I don’t know if the beta is really giving me the “MUST BUY” feeling...honestly, it’ll be near impossible for me and this game due to Fallout’s release date. I just don’t have the time to put into MP only games anymore. Usually by the time I get on, everyone is max leveled and I get destroyed.
I tried to enjoy this game, I really did.
I refuse to touch the door like a pleb.
He then popped up and said “Must be something...i8!” as a large curtain dropped behind him, unveiling the latest concept of BMW’s groundbreaking hybrid-composite sports car of the future.
Ah finally an article not bashing Mad Max. Thank you Patrick!
It’s really not bad at all. I am actually surprised by Kotaku’s review here and think they may have felt rushed/bored since they’re busy playing Mario Maker and MGS.
Best Final Fantasy game bar none. Doesn’t even matter the version.