
That's why I put it in quotes!

I'm not sure kids being up late one night is exactly the problem in this story.

You can. However, you should totally by a Vita

You chose...poorly.

Did anyone else unwillingly envision Peter Pan getting his/her ass motorboated in this scene? That is ALL I COULD THINK OF.

Om nom nom

"Yeah, we love it! Just a few changes we'd like to see. First, make the main person a dude. Everyone knows a chick can't heft a massive plasma rifle."

After years of playing as men in video games I'm just tired of staring at guy butts. Nah who am I kidding?

Man, it's stories like this that really fly in the face of all of the sexism-in-gaming apologists, with their "forcing gender parity sacrifices authorial integrity", or "most games star males because most games are made by and/or for males" or whatever other variant that excuses there being actual sexist bullshit

I'm gonna be honest, I don't think I would ever have the courage, nor the quick-thinking skills if I were to be in a similar situation.

Finally, some good news. Not too many people like this guy anymore. Or maybe all the bad shit just piles up. God knows we've had enough crap from people like George Zimmerman.

You are technically right, but maybe just making a largely semantic argument. Unless you are a casino, your odds of winning any particular proposition are usually 50/50 at best. As soon as you find a game with positive odds, arbitrage should kick in and eventually the game should end.

Sports betting and investing are, fundamentally the same thing. A professional sports bettor and a professional investor both spend all day pouring over spreadsheets, analyzing data, and trying to determine trends which can be leveraged through bets/stocks

In that case, maybe I'll take all my retirement savings and invest in Texas Hold 'Em!

This is true. There's a big difference between investing and active trading. I don't have much experience with the latter, but when I did try to dip my toe in it, it felt less like investing and more like playing a risky game. I should've made this distinction in the post, but I appreciate you doing so!

It would be difficult for this comment to be any more smarmy or self-righteous. Must be hard to see all the little people from up on top of that high horse.

Because microsoft used mcafee to beat it

As Inquisitor, I sentence you to tranquility. (no internet access for 1 year)

We'll let you out when we get 10,000 retweets.

Lock them up indefinitely. Time to set a new precedent for doing this stupid shit.