
Unless she physically attacked him—and I’m not talking a little shove, I’m talking fists flying—there is no justification for a police officer doing that to a juvenile who has committed a minor infraction. Insolence and disobedience are not excuses for physical violence. If they provoke said violence in a cop, he’s

“I just felt shortchanged, not challenged or reflective.”

That’s for the people who want to do an “everybody dies” run later. I think you only need to start from chapter 8 in a previously perfect playthrough to be sure of being able to kill everyone; if the clues still counted, you’d have to start from scratch.

On my first run I did the same thing and was left with two survivors: Sam, and (fuck) Emily.

But this is a game where the ability to reload your save is an explicit plot point. It doesn’t make in-game sense for Chloe not to do that if she didn’t like the outcome.

This is how the original Mass Effect ended up with both Mark Meer and Jennifer Hale voicing the love scenes with both Kaidan and Ashley—the writers didn’t flag the script with gender-specific lines, and the voice acting director didn’t make the call to skip them, so they both recorded the entire script. (There are no

The PSTV deal has been up and down; I missed it earlier today but it came back up and I snagged one. Try again if you want it.

The PSTV deal has been up and down; I missed it earlier today but it came back up and I snagged one. Try again if

Jecht and B-O-N are doing it just fine without me, but I’ll try to take you to school via phone anyway.

Oh, man...never stop saying “protip.” It just makes it so easy—and so pleasurable—to make you look like an idiot.

And this demonstrates very clearly why it was necessary to remove that joke. You feel disgust and contempt for trans people (and assume that you speak for most men), and think that it’s just fine for this disgust and contempt to be casually referenced in a joking manner. In a game. That some trans people have paid for

This is people being tough. They don’t like the way they’re being treated and they’re saying so.

I shared this post to about a dozen of my transgender friends

How about we let trans people tell us what hurts them instead of us deciding for them, ‘kay?

“Who honestly, REALLY cares about whether or not there’s a playable female?”

I assume he'll be taking major liberties with the book, and thank goodness.

The correct question is why should 360 owners have to wait then.

...or any concept of how discourse works. In his mind it's somehow improper to disagree when someone publicly asserts that his experience is universal.

I'm sorry; I missed the part where this was a discussion between two individuals and not an essay open to public comment. Will try to do better at that next time.

Nope. There's a pretty real psychological difference (for me, at least) between a B-plus and an A-minus, and that's the dividing line.

That was almost physically painful to watch.