
I don't understand why a game cannot simply present the world passively, without executive judgement. Simply set the game in a racist or transphobic world

Why is it that when someone gets grief for a shitty thing they said, they try to paint themself as a free thinker being repressed by a hegemonic majority?

Anders wasn't the only gay/bi person in that game, and he was a major character developed throughout. They had more latitude with Anders than they did with Krem.

I am all for considered diversity like Krem in games- but the 'white glove' approach makes it seem these characters are mollycoddled.

BioWare told people in advance who the romance options were, because they didn't want you to get invested in the choices you wouldn't ultimately be able to make.

I imagine there are plenty of people who genuinely don't give a shit.

Maybe other people don't want to play the game the same way you do, and maybe that doesn't make our desires illegitimate.

"Slap in the face" is such a heavily overused phrase, and it's usually kind of absurd. The idea that some of the people you flirt with will turn you down? That's something that many fans were asking for, to make the romance mechanics feel less artificial. It wasn't BioWare's little joke at your expense that you can't

RPGs aren't about you personally living a life in a fantasy world, they're about you creating a character who is different from you, and then playing as them (hence role-playing).

I'm not sure the government did Vita owners any favors by making the system even less profitable for Sony.

Lance Armstrong.

I was going to ask what was wrong with an individual commenter being biased, but then I remembered you're the guys who're unironically demanding objectivity in gaming reviews.

Oh no, it's not the whole of GamerGate that does that. A lot of them just let the harassment happen, then jump in to make a token expression of sympathy and a spirited defense of the movement as a whole whenever one of them has done something really awful. And then continue doing nothing until another GamerGater does

Dude. The whole "cherry-picking data" thing can sometimes be a legitimate complaint in science, because no one has access to absolutely all relevant data and the data are often opaque to begin with, so there's a definite risk that unscrupulous scientists will try to pass off an atypical result as a typical one (or

Leaving aside the breathtaking condescension in that sentence: do you think artists in the industry (indies notwithstanding) are given unfettered freedom to realize their vision today?

The lone idiots who blow up abortion clinics (should there be any left) are considered terrorists without question, so why not a group that's actively putting the lives of women in danger?

I'd be more accepting if there were also a lot of movement in the other direction and this were an outlier. But this comes at a moment when there's a lot of attention focused on the scarcity of well-realized female characters. To choose this as the moment to give the boys some time alone in the spotlight is tone-deaf

"Western video game media has been almost obsessed with the representation of women in games, so this move was going to rise eyebrows no matter what."

It's strange to consider the complete absence of women to be an improvement over women being only token characters. The presence of well-realized female characters is preferable to both, but it's a road they've chosen not to go down.

It seems to me that there are a WHOLE LOT of "artists" who don't seem to think that giving prominent roles to women in their games, movies, or shows will add anything.