
This is an older picture, and I’m sure both have improved since then, but generally the Roomba has more sensors, can more efficiently plan its paths, and can do multiple rooms much better than the neato vacuums. So basically in 1 battery charge the Roomba can generally clean more of your home than the neato can.

compacting into discs is cool and all, but a robotic vacuum is only worth as much as it’s cleaning algorithm. If that’s shit, then it doesn’t matter how great it is at sucking dirt up, hence why iRobot can still sell their top of the line Roomba for nearly twice as much as a Neato vacuum.

Which is exactly why one of my favorite tips is my 1/64" conical tip. when doing something like a qfp or smaller pitched smd work, the conical tip means that it’s much easier for me to focus on 1 pin at a time without heating up the part or neighboring pins as much.

Make an example out of one, and the rest fall in order. Now that this VW has the attention of the media, if the owner gets his money, it tells every other Jalop how far they can go with stripping their dieselgate cars. Wouldn’t be surprised if the easiest way to deal with it is for VW to whip up a contract that says

Opening port 22 inbound could be an issue. For instance, whenever I have port 22 open, about once every 4 or 5 days I see a bunch of attempted connections from china or russia based IPs, trying things like admin:admin, admin:password, pi:raspberry, etc... So you would really have to make sure that you have your Pi

lifting from the outside, and you can easily lift with your legs, and use leverage to your advantage. Once inside, you can basically only use your left forearm. If you’ve ever parked sideways on a hill and opened the door on the upper side of the hill, you’ve probably experienced this.

As long as the package was addressed to you, at your address, you keep it. On the flip side, remember that retail companies and shipping companies both have insurance to cover things like this. Then you have to look at the psychology behind it. If Amazon accidentally sends you a new TV, they’re going to want to make

It doesn’t matter how clean the trailer looks. He is within the rules of the land. If his neighbors don’t like that, then they can try to vote to change the rules, or they can move to a place with rules they like.

The only one who should be at trial here is the police chief. Think about this in any other context. The police chief is essentially the trooper’s boss. At your job, would you go out of your way to piss off your boss? Regardless of whether or not you’re right for doing so, it’s a really quick way to be put on your

i bought 6 of these during the Prime Day $1 sale. I found something really cool. you get the $5 credit for EACH dash button, and on top of that, you don’t have to order anything! After you connect it to your wifi network, do not choose a product to purchase. just close the amazon app. Wait a minute, press the button

i bought 6 of these during the Prime Day $1 sale. I found something really cool. you get the $5 credit for EACH dash

This could be the best thing to happen to that GT-R. The first gen transmissions all fail at around 75,000 miles and cost anywhere from $12,000-$20,000 for a rebuild or replacement. Sucks that this happened, but if he gets a new transmission on someone else’s dime, that’d be awesome.

I disagree. You’re just thinking of the wrong market. Pro graphics and animators use the Cintiq 27" display for their work. Same type of display as surface studio. A big screen that uses pen input for graphics work. Except it is $2300 for just the screen. you need to than spend another $1500-1700 on a PC, a stand for

I think I remember hearing something about how the original Cadillac Escalade was designed for women, specifically with a massive center console to drop a purse into. then an entirely different market took affinity towards it.

It is. I had an xbox 360, home theater system, projector, and chromecast all die when a nearby faulty lamp touched a usb cable end that was plugged into the 360, and the surge traveled through the HDMI to every connected device.
Anecdotally, there was also a Wii U connected, which was unharmed. possibly because it has

Have you ever had to change a bottom mounted spare tire? Maybe it’s just because I live in the rust belt, but those little winch systems that holds the tire up become 1 solid piece, and you have to basically break it to get the spare tire off. Happened to 3 different vehicles I know of.

but then the question is 2 spaces per tab? or 4?

I only know so much because I live in Philly, so I have to deal with BS like this first hand.

The worst part about this is that if anything is done illegally by these towing companies, your only recourse is to pay the fine, then file a suit in small claims court. Note that it is the law that any towing company in Philly must 1. Take a photo showing the parking violation, 2. Can only be towed once called in(AKA

In Philly, police do not need to be involved if you are in a private lot, on private property, or blocking the driveway to private property. If you are not doing any of the above, the parking authority/police must ticket and tow.

The difference is towing from breaking a parking law on public streets, or towing from private property/towing from a location that blocks private property(such as a driveway).