
It’s a shame the Xterra is gone. That was actually a pretty damn capable SUV. If you were in the market for something like a Jeep Unlimited and wanted to do some off roading, I’m sure the Xterra would’ve ticked all the same boxes for you.

My sister crashed the firebird, and I was looking for a replacement car, specifically a Subaru. I had about $4000 to spend. So I was looking for a 2.5RS Impreza. Of course, these cars are rarely found stock, and most people on craigslist think that the mods they add will double the value of the car. So I had some

Thankfully common sense from the NHTSA prevailed, a rare occurrence today. While it does suck that someone died while driving, it’s important to know that while you can have all the sensors in the world on the car, and have them programmed by expert computer scientists and engineers, you’re really not going to see a

I wish Google would do this with their nexus phones. Because if I ever bought one of these ad-riddled phones, I’d immediately flash it with a rom that no longer has the ads. Free discount for the tech savvy!

CyanogenMod 12.1 : An alternative ROM (think different operating system). Basically by doing this, you wipe everything off the phone, including Amazon’s advertisement lock screen.

The question here is this: Is microsoft really doing automatic upgrades to windows 10? I have a laptop that’s been on 8.1 and gets the notifications about the free upgrade, but never have I actually see an install just upgrade from 7-8.1 to 10. I wouldn’t be surprised it was the users accidentally installing the

My 02 Subaru does it right. DRLs are on whenever the handbrake is down. But the dash lights remain off until you turn your headlights on. Oddly enough, the trouble I have is that people think that my headlights are on, and try to tell me that my tail lights are out. And when I explain to them that no, my headlights

I don’t think that Sabine doesn’t really fit in, it seems that she would, especially if you look how she was in the Top Gear UK vs Germany episode (S11E06) from a ways back. What the problem is that the lines written for her in new top gear are terrible. It’s like she’s being forced to say dumb jokes.

this is why I hated my commute to work. I traveled east to work in the morning as the sun rose, and west on my way home during the sunset. No sunglasses or visor can stop that

I don’t care what they do with hangouts as long as I can retain my google voice integration.

EDIT: if anybody sees this can I get un-grey? I promise I am not a spam robot!

I see all this hate for Windows 10 and I am starting to wonder if I’m the only person who hasn’t had a single issue with 10.. I ran the free upgrade process on 2 of my computers. One from 7 to 10, and the other from 8.1 to 10. Both worked flawlessly, my applications ran flawlessly, and my files and settings were all

New Jersey doesn’t have much going for it, but at least their state inspection is state run. So you don’t pay a cent to get your car inspected. It’s also emissions only, and now, only for cars MY 1995 or newer. Older than that and you just scrape off the inspection sticker and never get it inspected again.

As someone who carries a bunch of electronics in my wagon, and who wants a cooler car in the summer, I wish we could tint all windows to at least a certain percentage. There’s really light tints that block a lot of heat. Also, not very much of a problem for me, as Subaru interiors will last well into the next

When I was young and stupid I learned this the hard way. A friend sunk his suv into a 3 ft deep hole when he fell through the ice ontop of it. In trying to yank him out we ripped 3 of the 4 welded on tow points off, all of which went flying.

Mini Clubman S. While it is not as fun as the original US mini, or the original original mini, it does take a step back towards that direction. It’s definitely something you can have fun on the back roads with, and it ticks 3 of the 4 boxes of the ultimate Jalopy (manual brown wagon, no diesel though)

I’ve seen examples where the government can track criminals through their multiple burner phones, just by building metadata on the phone numbers they contact. “Burner” phone metadata really tends to stick out as they are utilized very differently than most people use their phones.

I didn’t think about this until now, but that could be an uninterruptable power supply of sorts for your phone. If you live in an area where you frequently have power outages, and use your phone as an alarm clock for the morning, this could give you a safety net to prevent your phone from dying in the night and

I didn’t think about this until now, but that could be an uninterruptable power supply of sorts for your phone. If

people with a 3 car garage :)

A place I worked had a windows workstation that got this virus. Since shared network drives were mapped to the computer, they ended up getting encrypted too. Most of the ransomware of the windows variety will look for any mounted drive or network share it has write access to and encrypt. If that carries over to the