
One of the key pieces of info that is left out here is what exactly the DOJ is asking for. To start, the software needed needs two signatures. Apple’s software and the hardware key to that specific phone. Meaning that the software that’s being asked for will only work on the suspect’s phone and they must have physical

I think they pulled it because you have to install a driver for it to work properly. I don’t think apple would have been too happy with that.

Biggest waste of $10 I ever spent(even though it was free itunes credit anyways). Half the time certain apps just have 0 volume or full volume, and many times it ‘forgets’ where you left certain app volumes. Let’s say it makes you go to 0 volume for a tab in chrome? Well, it’s time to quit chrome and re-open it to see

Now playing

people who do FPV races normally hit 40-60 mph. It’s really easy to put $400 of parts together and have an 80mph quad.

90% of the time you’re going to break your propellers. They are about $2.00 for 4 of them on that size, so it’s not bad. 2 minutes to change props and you’re back in the air. Sometimes if you crash really bad you can brake an arm off the frame. But with a carbon fiber frame being as cheap as $30, it’s not too bad.

There’s lots of ways you can help waterproof your quadcopter. Usually if you hit the water you’ll blow up your electronic speed controllers for each motor. some of the other electronics do a bit better with water. I lost mine in the snow for 10 minutes, pulled it out and it was fine.

It depends on your build. You can make a heavy and powerful one, or a light and agile one. Some of the heavier 250 size quads can hit 80mph, but in most races you’re looking at 40-60mph top speeds.

as an FPV pilot myself, I can say it is a TON of fun. The only downside is the initial investment for something like what you see in the video... $200 RC transmitter, $200 for a video setup, $50 for a battery charger... Once you have them, you can build a racing quad for fairly cheap if you look in the right places.

They are definitely super chill people. I did get to chill and talk with them for a little bit, but they were also trying to see the other 4000 people there as well as run the whole event. If you are anywhere remotely nearby(we drove from 8 hours away) I would highly recommend going to this year’s flite fest.

I was there, it was a ton of fun to try and fly through the plane. Although this circle plane, and the event that Flite Test hosted (Flite Fest) was July 2015, many months before the star destroyer was made.

Does Nissan Xterra not count since you can’t get a MY2016 model? You can still buy them new and they are pretty capable.

Or just use nmap to do a quick IP scan. most people won’t have a segregated network so this would identify ANY webcams, not just dropcam. In addition, the number of cameras that are protected with something other than a default password are in the single percentage, meaning you can just hop on and view where the

Most 90’s Hondas(perhaps more, but I’ve only tried this on 4 or 5 cars) do the same thing. the power locks will not operate on any door that’s open. EXCEPT if you hold the outside door handle open while hitting the lock button. then you can lock it with the door open.

The difference between downloading the file and streaming it is something called HDCP. HDCP creates a chain of trust between your computer/BluRay player/internet box thingy and your TV. Unlike VGA or other analog signals, which could be easily split into a capture card, HDCP ensures that only compliant devices can be

They make their real money with people who trade on margins. I’ve been trading with $15 i transferred from my checking account since its release. I’m happy to say i transformed that $15.00 into $15.48 since then!

The problem is 100% the batteries. Most are using 18650 Li-ion cells. 10 in series x 2 in parallel for a pack for a 36v pack. However, even the best 18650 cells by Panasonic can only output about 10A continuously. So we are looking at a 20A continuous output. You need quite a bit of energy to move someone around. When

I want to be able to choose Chromecast audio as my entire PC audio output. I use my pc as a TV, and in the summer I gotta crank up the volume so that I can hear it over the AC. With this, I could have a Chromecast plugged in on the other side of the room, plug my headphones into that!

I was sitting at a stop light, and I heard some music. It sounded like a tambourine beat, like the intro to a drum and bass song or something like that. I look around to find the source of this music. Low and behold, just as the light turns green, I find the guy driving away, dancing like a madman while playing the

So why wasn’t the parking brake covered under the warranty? Did they presume you broke it due to misuse/negligence? Or does it fall under normal wear as part of the brake system?

I’d give something like that a week before it’s covered in TP and trash bags