I had a similar issue. fixed it by setting my zoom back to 100%.
I had a similar issue. fixed it by setting my zoom back to 100%.
I think what Zuzax is trying to say is that he doubts that Honda named that car in an effort to bring peace and harmony to the world, not the actual definition of the word.
Means "Reward." It came from an out-dated German word "Meed." Seems fitting to me
Yeah, I was wondering why that wasn't mentioned...
My mom was in her Charger R/T. We had just put brand new tires on it since the old ones were so bald that traction was almost non-existant. The day after the tires went on, she was in the left lane of a 4 lane highway(2 lanes per direction,nothing but double yellow lines down the center), when an impatient asshole in…
How about the Reliant Robin? The world needs more 3 wheel cars. Even if they put the axles on the wrong ends of the car.
I think this is one of the coolest cars I've ever seen pass by me. I had no clue what it was at first and had to get a picture to check out what the hell it was when I got home
Thanks for the quick reply. I didn't realize I was at 115%. Defaulting to 100% did the trick. This has been driving me nuts since the release!
Hey, any idea why when I click left or right on comments it seems to arbitrarily slide 2.25-2.75 comment threads? There are entire comment threads that are impossible for me to read without losing my place by clicking each one to expand it. Chrome on OS X.
I got the pants blown off me on the highway one day by a smart fortwo with some streetbike engine in it. I couldn't keep up. It also had a spinning wind-up key on the back. That just added insult to more insult
Also, remember how, in that old Diablo your butt and the steering wheel felt like they were in different time zones?
Well, it's certainly not stock, but the previous owner of this 82 Fiat 124 Spider managed to cram a chevy 350 in there... So much for handling. More pictures and F/S at the link: http://elite-auto-group.ebizautos.com/detail-1982-fi…
I can verify this. Also, if you read a recent AOTD about the 10 worst cops, there is a municipality that allows officers to use their personal cars.
The second I saw the original reply, this popped into my mind. You sir, have beat me to it. Perfect fit for an Archer quote
It'd be cool to have Exchange ActiveSync (if not full exchange support) as well as support for other cloud services like Box.com for example. I don't often use my dropbox since Box gives me 50GB on my personal account and a shared 800TB on my corporate account.
My last 3 phones were the Palm Pre, HTC EVO 3D, and Galaxy Note II, all on Sprint(unlimited data). My data usage has been roughly the same, at around 8 GB/month. I do have WiFi tethering, but I only use it in a pinch. The vast majority of my data usage comes from music. I despise the number of commercials on FM radio,…
As someone who works 40 hours a week infront of several computer screens, then comes home to more computer work, video games, etc, I can say that 75% of the time I am awake is infront of a screen. I picked up a pair of GUNNARS on a good deal, and I can say it makes my eyes feel about 1000 times better. Less eye…
How about the TREKOL 39294? It certainly doesn't win in the speed category, unless it's a race across a lake. Then it, with it's stock prop attachment, will most certainly win.