
Dirt 3 has the Alpine A110 in their 60's Rally Class

I found out the big reason for the ghost paint is that many police departments have a maximum number of unmarked cars, and this counts as a marked car.

Anybody who plays rocket race knows this! You can't technically "board" a mongoose in halo 3, but you can hop on the back, then melee the driver to death. Good times, good times...

Hah, I went through the same experience... Guy had an acura TL, claimed to shoehorn a v10 into it...

99 EX owner here and I love that table! Being a college student who also does some DJ events, this table is a life saver, whether it's a place for parts when servicing the car, an extra space for guests to eat at in the apartment, or even managing to set up on the little thing, it truly is great.

My father has a 2010 GMC Sierra 1500. It has TPMS. He spent weeks trying to find the low tire. Turns out it was the full size spare. That was in the first 6 months of owning the truck. Now the light is constantly on, for what seems to be absolutely no reason, even when the tires are perfectly filled. Has been like

well, technically it seems more like a workaround, than a full blown solution, which is probably why Android Dev is "dismissing it." I wouldn't be surprised if they include a fix that gets the same effect, but in a different, more efficient manner

+1 for AirServer. Functionality is great and reliability scores 100%. No app crashes or service restarts. Been using for over 2 months in a high use scenario with about a dozen different devices.

Some of that I have to contest. My best use for it is when I am on XDA-developers. All attachments have a button that lets you download from QR. This is great when I want to download somebody's app or a patch for my phone, etc. Just scan it and it downloads straight to my phone.

All opinions of douchebaggery aside, I am asking about the law mentioned above. Clearly Costco had sent me two copies, and asked for payment or the return of the extra item, of which the payment would be forcing me to buy something I didn't want nor order, or pay to ship it back. Is that not exactly what the law

My opinion: VGA cable saver should have won. I've used far too many of those things, and there's tons of devices that just don't have vga screw holes anymore...

I ordered an Xbox game from Costco online before. A day after it shipped, I got an email saying that they shipped me the PS3 version instead, and that they were also sending me an Xbox version, and that they would like for me to ship back the PS3 version. I tried holding onto it to see what would come of it, and about

As a former WebOS user (of which I regret jumping ship even to this day), If I see somebody rocking a Palm Pre, I instantly am best friends with them. It's that kind of bond that you get with another dude when you found out you both have an ex boyfriend/girlfriend in common. The way we're teased by software's

One of the biggest buzzwords for me: BYOD (Bring Your Own Device). Work in the IT department in any company and I'm sure every vendor you deal with and every exec who wants the impossible would bring up BYOD every chance they could get. The phrase is so generic it's useless. Have email access on your phone? That's

This wouldn't apply to windows logon passwords as much as the article would like you to think... It's very easy to get admin access without having admin credentials. Look up Metasploit. It allows pen testers to run many different types of exploits that can allow for unauthorized code to run on a Windows machine. The

"Set 'em long and strong, people."

Hey, it could be worse... I have the Palm Pre running WebOS. With a spotify app that hasn't been updated since the US release. no radio, I can't see more than 3 albums by any band I search, no on-device playlist creation. It's a tease...

I had those same impressions with the Dell XPS Duo. I got to try that out for a week. Loved it in the first 30 seconds. And before you ask, yes, I really swung that screen around the hinges, they felt quite strong and sturdy. Now I am using the Samsung Series 7 700T(I did not get the keyboard/dock). While I'll still

This looks like the Microsoft Surface(not the new tablet, the older tabletop computer)

The automation is done with a great app called Tasker. When you put your mind to it, you can really do anything with it.