
Here are the 12 reasons why I rooted. Some say what I do can be overkill. I think not... Also, you can discount people who say that rooting "breaks your phone," etc. I rooted my EVO 3D as soon as root was available(I got this phone near it's release) and it has been working great ever since.

Cool, but if I had to choose(and had the money to choose) I would rather go with a Chinook. I got to see them being finished and tested at a Boeing facility nearby, they are one of the coolest flying things ever.

You missed this Wireless Mobile Mouse 4000

Call me a specific type of user, but I loved this machine, especially when I'm used to lugging my 15" MBP. I swung that screen around as fast as I could, as hard as I could, all weekend long, and haven't seen an issue at all...(It was still Dell's Property!) Yeah, it felt flimsy at first, but it certainly didn't prove

Now playing

Does anybody remember this article from a while back with Audi's OLED tail light concepts? I think this wins, even if it's only a concept.

This is great news! Now I can buy a spare non-verizon home button from a phone parts site, swap it out, and it's gone forever! Can't say that about many other phones

I used this 2 weeks ago on a Dell XPS 12 (the flippy screen laptop/tablet) and it was quite nice. There's a lot of things that just don't feel right when using a controller or Kinect, but swiping and touching and dragging on my tablet while watching it on the big screen? That felt good.

I can see my apartment in that picture! (not that I lived there when the picture was taken...)

Lol at the bad photoshop of the panhandler picture. The street around him is blurred, but between his legs it's crystal clear.

I'm sure that line referred to the lofting part, not the triple IPS monitor part... I am about to loft my bed, as we have very high ceilings(my apartment used to be a office building with drop ceillings). As my bed has 4 round legs, I found the right size steel pipe to sleeve the legs. a 21' piece of pipe will give me

Hey, hopefully you're still here, as I'd really love to hear more. What would you say was the most exciting moment(That you could divulge without breaking NDA) in your career?

I see what you did there!

If you're the one with the good ideas, you can now know how that sleezy coworker plans on taking advantage of you.

I think the real meaning of "the types of people who shop at Wal-Mart" means everybody. Everybody shops there, from the scum of the earth to the best of the best. We are all guilty of Wal-Mart, but is it really so bad after all?

I'm sure these two run up a close 2nd place...

VOTE: Caselabs M8

The power grid system is incredibly efficient compared to the drilling/pumping/refining gasoline, then trucking/shipping it to millions of locations worldwide. I saw a study conducted once, that an electric bike that uses a 500wh motor is almost twice as energy efficient as the energy it would take to pedal the damn

I too noticed the lack of Pathfinders/Xterras on this list. Although having driven both of them, I have to appreciate the fact that they stay true to what an SUV is, and hasn't gone soft like the Durango/Explorer/Escape/CR-V/Grand Cherokee/etc. My only gripe is the use of the electric slide gears for the 2wd/4wd

gizmodo needs COTD like what Jalopnik has. This comment has to be recognized!

Pause/Break is incredibly useful in Linux. They allow you to kill off an unresponsive process, regain keyboard control, and even safely sync/unmount your disks and restart your computer, even when it seems permanantly locked up. And in Windows, Win+Pause/Break instantly brings up System Properties.