
Between the torque output from the electric motor/turbo'd three-pot combo, the all-wheel-drive grip, the silent city stalking mode, and the flattest cornering I've ever experienced in a road car, the i8 is the first coupe in that low-$100k segment that has me thinking of something other than a 911. I've had religious

A powerful electric one of these would be quite interesting, imo.

180 km/h! I don't think it'll come anywhere close to approaching that, unless you're crazily going down a long, steep mountain.

Overwhelmed goldfish is overwhelmed.

Must be related.

Red-lines at 6k, pretty weak for such an expensive sports car, imo.

An unfortunate problem for many BMW drivers.

So I'm driving along the other day, and I get up behind the all-new Mercedes-Benz GLA, which I'm calling the "Glaw" to rhyme with "Draw," or perhaps "Haw," as in: "Haw Haw, you bought a Mercedes-Benz that looks like a wheeled catfish!"

I don't condone drifting on highways, but I do enjoy feeling how much/little traction there is. It's best to keep the actual fun off of the roads.

Cool story! It looks like that this section of the road is pretty clear, but susceptible to snow drifts. Probably would've been a lot of fun to do some slow controlled drifts imo, though I'm sure you wouldn't want to pull a Hammond.

Compare an Impreza with all season tires to a G8 with winter tires and see the opposite result. What matters is the vehicle as well as the tires on it.

Someone didn't follow the advice "don't jerk and drive." Those innocent bystanders are lucky that the curb prevented that jerk-off from injuring and/or killing them.

He's probably thinking "everyone is clapping, so I should clap too."

You hit the nail eggxactly on the head, +1 star!

Some say he has a cousin that's a cow...

OP must mean a Prius... oh wait, that's not possible either.

Exactly, it's best to leave that for a car enthusiast magazine or tv series.

I would suggest you take nothing but public transport for a week before you get your next car. It should be entertaining to read your review of common transport.

I do believe we should cordially thank Sir Kidson for the virtual ride-along.

Here's the first day, with a dry course and the sun out: