Yes. You should check out the article you just commented on wherein writer Donna Bowman mentions that very thing.
Yes. You should check out the article you just commented on wherein writer Donna Bowman mentions that very thing.
It’s actually a pretty good way to torch a restaurant. The investigators won’t find any accelerant and the source of ignition is the first thing you’d expect to find in a chicken joint—a chicken.
Correct. The frozen bird into the oil would cause a boil-over and flash fire but wouldn’t blow the place up. The gas line is what did that.
Was I overreading, or did Gus briefly pause to inspect whether the team cleaned the fryers well enough? This writing... inspirational.
Someone get Rhea an Emmy already, please. I mean, come ON. Can we start a Kickstarter or something? Would that help? I don’t know how these things work.
Rhea Seehorn is amazing as Kim.
That opening absolutely wrecked me.
Now imagine having the entire world tell you that 1,000 times a day, and you’ll know what being a woman is like!
Her facial expression creep from normal Kim-deadpan to an evil (but still seemingly sweet) smile at the end the scene in Jimmy’s office where she’s been looking at the photos taken in Wachtell’s house was priceless. I had to back up and watch it several times.
That outcome also leaves open the possibility that Kim pops back up in the black and white flash forward.
I’m filled with dread as to what’s ahead for Kim
If Kim has someone file a (probably bullshit) copyright claim on Mesa Verde horsey logo, like I suspect, it’s going to have a nice symmetry with Jimmy’s billboard infringement stunt from the beginning of the series.
This show can bring the comedy, just as well as it can bring the heartbreak and darkness.
We know Kim was from a tiny town on the Kansas-Nebraska border that no one’s ever heard of, and that she knew she had to leave or she’d end up working as a cashier at the Hinky Dinky and married to the guy who ran the gas station. That sort of background seems totally in keeping with how she describes her childhood…
That was my first take too. But the alternative is that it was truth but thrown back in her face as if it were a con. Which would turn Kim’s world/moral compass upside down . . . when her lies are believed and her truths are dismissed.
Holy shit, Rhea Seahorn. All the Emmy’s, goddamitt!! All. The. Emmy’s.
They already had that with the green doors that could take you to any time or any place, real or imaginary and it wasn’t enough.
People absolutely get married without verifying whether or not they want kids. It’s dumb (Real dumb. For sooo many reasons), but it does happen surprisingly often. I, too, wish pop culture would recognize that some people just don’t want kids; it’s infuriating. I almost had a rage stroke when How I Met Your Mother…
The Belle room was her personal fantasy, dating back to her troubled childhood. What Mr. Peanutbutter gave her was his interpretation of it. While it was not how he intended the gesture, he essentially took a dream that she cherished and shattered it.
She was probably hurt before, but the gesture pushed her over the edge.