
Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Damn it to hell. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. CRAAAAAPPP!!!

The original 60 gb PS3 used hardware, but the later 80 gb ones (MGS4 and Motorstorm bundles) used software. Then after that BC was just gutted completely. That I do know 100% for sure is the case, LOL!

Maybe again I was mistaken...

I know what you’re saying, more effort would be nice. But I also wonder how much time constraints come into account; would it be feasible to search far and wide to find the character’s “twin”? If that would even be possible... there’re only so many voice actors and countless more characters.

I see what you’re saying, but I also see what others are saying (about people playing soldiers, murderers, etc). But I fail to see how voicing someone of a different skin color is so vastly different than voicing a soldier. You mention that it’s the experiences that are brought in, but really, no actor (or anyone) who

I think some of the goofier elements will be fine. Of course that depends on how they’re updating the story, but the goofier side activities I think will be fine, regardless. I hope they leave all the those in; I’d love to see how chocobo racing updates :)

Whoops, thanks for pointing that out. I do know however that Sony did say that they plan to bring PS2 BC to the PS4, so I can see how the two got mixed together. Hopefully actual emulation does come soon.

Yeah, calling it backwards compatibility was definitely misleading. They’re basically the same as those PS2 “HD Remasters” for PS3. The prices don’t put me off really since they’re pretty much inline with those HD Remasters, but this is not BC at all (and none that I either already own or don’t care for). And I was

Hmm... interesting design choice. Seems that may harm the flow of the dialogue. It definitely did with how long it took them in the video to make a choice!

Seems I may be in the minority here, but I’m kinda glad they aren’t doing the same battle system or the exact same story. If I want that then the original will definitely be the best way to go. Plus, I’d think the old gameplay with brand new graphics will feel off-putting. So I look at this as more of a reboot than a

Take a deep breath and let’s calm down. We still don’t know much about it. You see Barret and Cloud being used in the gameplay, so there could still be some turned-based aspects. For all we know it could be something totally awesome that will make us forget all about ATB!

Even though I’d so much rather be able to put in my disc and play like with my old 60 gb PS3, I don’t think $15 is too much for these games that have been reworked in HD and have trophies added.

Beats me. Kinda reminds me of the PS2 “remasters” for PS3, and those were $30-$40. But with 2-3 games with each one, usually, it comes to about the same.

Man, what was wrong with her? I’ve never seen her act so... slow. She’s often much more eloquent than that.

I totally understand what you’re saying, but there is quite a bit of evidence that points to Konami being “dicks,” as so many are putting it.

Not just sad, it’s sickening. Nevermind those who were affected by the tragedy as long as it furthers their career and/or agenda and they’ll twist whatever they can to make it fit.

I enjoyed the first three games (though I felt the story was average as hell for a sci-fi) and Reach (my fave since CE) but I couldn’t finish 4. So much felt off. I couldn’t explain it, but I think you just did.

It’s too bad more people don’t think about things before reacting. Context is everything, and you put it into context!

I’m so glad I’m not into the AC style, nor am I an Amiibo addict, or else I’d lose all my cash on all these AC Amiibo!

As a huge Uncharted fan, I thoroughly enjoyed the Tomb Raider reboot. At first you will totally feel the heavy influences from Uncharted, but as the game gets going it really comes into it’s own and stands apart.