Stop making excuses and make yourself a better rider and driver. Using other people and technology as an excuse of not to ride makes no sense
Stop making excuses and make yourself a better rider and driver. Using other people and technology as an excuse of not to ride makes no sense
I’ve only been riding a few years, so maybe I missed the days of yore before distracted drivers, but isn’t the danger part of the reason we like motorcycles?
Are you White like Frank Black?
Honda is more like the Hot ex girlfriend from college that’s still hot and wants to “hook up” every once and a while, but every time you end up answering the call she disappoints you by teasing you the whole night. You both know she’s capable of easily rocking your world, but she chooses not to.
Okay, so then why make it look like a massive intake at all? Maybe it’s just me, but most of the mockups look better than the actual models.
It doesn’t, though. I set up a Rasberry Pi for myself and I love it, but I’m not very knowledgeable on this stuff and it took me a few hours to get everything working correctly. That’ s far more investment than most people want to put in for something like this.
yeah i’m still bitter about the IDx too.
So I am a jerk for making myself comfortable? we both paid a similar amount for our seats, the seats recline, I choose to use that option. I think making others feel bad about reclining is bad on you.
5th: Also, the type of person driving those vehicles has some impact. The bottom five are probably relatively young drivers. The top five certainly older and wealthier buyers who are just better drivers overall.
May wasn’t saying “cars shouldn’t be tested at the ’ring,” he was saying (paraphrasing here) “cars that have their suspensions changed in search of lower lap-times at the ’ring are usually unpleasant to drive on regular roads.”
Is it really that bad lookin’? ...I cannot believe it: so tall and narrow... indeed an outhouse on wheels!
I Googled it. It is....nsfw
You shut your whore mouth.
yeah.. chill out with the sound nazi BS already.. Its a race track. Tracks make noise. If you bought a house knowing a track was near, and complain about the noise, you are an asshole!
How is this track not a UNESCO heritage site?!?
“Ride as if you’re invisible.” Best advice I ever got.
Is it a motorcycle helmet? If not the answer is no. Also no if the helmet is older than 5 years old or suffered a previous crash. Car racing helmets are not made to handle hitting the ground at speed or most of the other physical forces incurred during a motorcycle crash.
Even with more window view, the type of person that is going to obliviously change lanes onto a motorcycle is still going to change lanes onto a motorcycle.