That’s the MEL procedure if the plumbing has issues on a through flight. It’s wet wipes or an inop lav available for flight crew only. I find that wet wipes are often better than 1 lavatory for all of coach.
That’s the MEL procedure if the plumbing has issues on a through flight. It’s wet wipes or an inop lav available for flight crew only. I find that wet wipes are often better than 1 lavatory for all of coach.
There’s still a lot of early Airbus A320F aircraft flying around with two swing doors in the back. Pretty common because they never break compared to the bi fold doors.
That’s changing with the Moto GP aero fairings starting to influence design.
Crappy low light picture. One of the best parts of getting to work at night is seeing this bad mama take off from the open hangar doors. It dwarfs the 737-8 and CRJ 700's that it parks next to. Uses the entire runway.
In Arizona when you have an advanced directive including DNR clauses it applies to all situations. But you have a bright orange card you carry in your wallet and online directions stored with the state. Your living will can specify if you just want to not be on life support but still have CPR done.
It did seem a little excessive at times. In my experience working in the arts we only used about 95% as many fucks.
Just spent a half hour reading up on this. Thank you for the information. I might have to give this a try for research purposes regarding my depression.
In A&P school I was taught that horsepower is the ability to fuck all night and torque is the bending force on your dick while you do.
Some thought Edge of Tomorrow was a good movie. It was a terrible adaptation that completely changed the characters and moral of the story.
It’s not a difficult rationalization. Every single study done backs up the fact that most crashes for motorcyclists and cyclists happen at intersections. People turning left look for cars, not small objects like bikes. Even a small tap can be fatal/severely harmful.
As a maintenance tech for a legacy airline, this debate always amuses me. I’ve got the unpopular insider opinions. Most airbus coach seats have 2" of recline. Main cabin extra gives you 4" along with the extra 2" of knee space. For 60 bucks that’s a no brainer if you’re tall. Plan ahead and you not only get the best…
Newer seats have slightly narrower cushions, but the overall seat area remains the same. There’s a slightly larger gap between the cushions to aid with wear and tear and electronic cables for in seat charging and video monitors.
Thank’s gla’d we coul’d hav’e a productiv’e discussio’n abou’t cars.
Versa’s and Accent’s are universally driven by people who view vehicles as cheap appliances and treat them that way, so it isn’t surprising that they’re in the most accidents. Start tallying up how many texting drivers you have in those and the numbers will become unsurprising. They’re too inexpensive to have…
It was duct tape. And it must have been from a passenger. Speed tape isn’t supposed to be anywhere in the cabin and it’s metallic and pretty crappy for restraining somebody.
I’m not advocating sabotage, this is literally the history of airlines like America West. Funny enough, in the days since Kinja forgot to pop up the notification that I’d gotten a response, we got to see exactly what happened at Spirit when labor negotiations broke down.
I’d rather live in a country where all CEO’s…
While we’re at it, should incidents that happen on regional airlines give their companies a pass just because their name isn’t the big one on the aircraft? American isn’t responsible for hiring any of these flight attendants, PSA airlines is.
Let the pilots go on strike and see what “literally is their money” disappear as revenue drops. Or see a cost increase when they “accidentally” leave APU’s on and burn thousands of gallons of extra fuel or have maintenance start grounding aircraft until their contact gets passed. Airlines might be “owned” by…
It’s the angle, normally they’re shot a little lower accentuating the hood slope. This threw me off too.
This sounds like a perfect opportunity to claim a motorcycle and gear as work expenses to recover from pillion induced anxiety.