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I kind of forgot about this thread.
There’s a video on YouTube about Rolls Royce building their Trent engines. It’s definitely worth the watch. It expounds a little on just how intensive the turbine engine building process is.

You’re absolutely correct in saying that it’s just a greater precision version of what’s done

This will probably get lost in the slew of comments. I’d like to point out that even in certain union jobs you still only get a half hour of unpaid lunch. I’m an airplane mechanic and we get a half hour, which also adds a half hour to how long you have to be clocked in for.
On the plus side we get to radio the control

I just took one of these apart for class. It’s amazing how simple and complex they are at the same time. The design is wonderful, amazing power for the size and turbine count.

The amount of engineering that goes into each engine is incredible. Each blade on the turbine disk is harmonically balanced to ensure that the