Enzo Ferrari

We were just introduced, thank you.

I was not talking to you.

Go away.

Likewise not pulling the handbrake.

Thank you so much! Have a nice New Year!

That of course I do not know, but sure to fool so many people all around the globe it takes some balls... it’s a fact. Too bad that the Chinese government is not so sweet when it comes to deal with dishonest businessmen like him. I foresee some good manual work in a rice field in his future.

Hi to you! Indeed, it was the first time I saw a post of yours. A good one, though.

Indicative but not significant.

Go figure... the carpet eater has spoken!

Who says she’s a woman? It (I use here a neutral gender) just says it’s married with offsprings, but nowhere it says it’s a woman. It’s not that you’re a little sexist as well? LOL. BTW, if so it’s OK with me because I love what the French like to say: “Vive la difference!

No, you are stupid. Stupid I say. And when you wake up in the morning and look at your stupid face in the mirror, please remember that the Donald, one of the most sexist and chauvinistic men in the world, was just elected President of the USA. This to the face of your note about Italy being a nation rather well-known

This was indeed very stupid.

How incredibly funny! Did you invent this fantastic one-liner, or you were told about it?

Those were sexist statements only to the morons. It was just the usual marketing trash talk, but indeed it was not sexist at all.

That too, of course... anyway, Mr. Yueting’s most urgent issue is to care for his balls!

...which is indeed an horrible car.