Enzo Ferrari

That’s almost perfect!

Lotta squares?...

Lapo Elkann is such an idiot, that if there was a World Championship of the Idiots, he would’ve finished second. Why? ...because he’s too idiot to be able to finish first.

Why a man should need a strap-on??

Jalopnik has reached out to Tesla for comment but has not yet heard back.

“Paper? Who uses paper these days?” ...everyone who has a car in Italy... that’s who! In case of road accident, we need to fill a form named “Constatazione Amichevole” (Friendly Report), with a drawing of the accident and all data of involved vehicles and insurances: one copy goes to each involved drivers and one copy

Me too... so what?

Cannot see the video at work, but I understand that there’re lotta dicks there...

My uncle Beppino was so fond of his Ford Taunus 17M because it was the only car where he wasn’t scratching the headliner, since he was 6.5 ft tall! He kept it for more 15 years and then eventually bought another scrap one, that he kept in his backyard just for the spares... and for the rage of his wife (my aunt Mina),

The occasion of a lifetime... he just had to grab it! ... this time I can only say “bravo!”, because the gold for sure is insured and that guy must really need it! Too bad that the guard will lose his job, but these are the risks of dealing with valuables... distractions are not allowed!

Naaaah!... just his son (supposed he has one) could buy that!

This is the magic of the Internets!

Someone had the wonderful idea of using a crappy Jumbolino, for a 2,600 miles trip... and at the end it had also to circle in stand-by, due to another plane’s emergency landing. So eventually and most obviously, it ran out of fuel.

Wrong. Princess Diana owned an Austin Metro... and so did I, once upon a time.

That is. HTML5 videos are the crappiest thing ever! Long live Flash Player!!!

Not that the original one is much better... God, how I hate the HTML5 videos!

These things do not happen here in Western Europe.