From time to time, the news report about some misdemeanor by an Uber driver. Moreover, there’s a full web page of them.
Recently there were several cases of crimes and misdemeanors involving Uber and Lyft drivers. Actually there’s a whole web page of them... because and contrary to you, I like to be informed. Prendi su e porta a casa.
I agree with the second, but a taxi driver is a registered professional and therefore is less likely to do stupid things like that. Where I live, no customer was ever raped or robbed by a professional taxi driver, while it’s sadly frequent the opposite (the robbery).
“Your Honor, they severely damaged us!”
Many TV shows are shoot in TV studios, and they’re not suing each other.
That’s the general reason that I understood, but
I understand everything, with the exception of the “Filming in a static location would also present legal problems” because where the heck should be filmed a TV show if not in a TV studio?
You could use QWERTY, duh?
Nevertheless, it’s still unsold. Wonder why.
Sure the Tesla Model X, because it likes to smash your wiener and that’s so sad!
Aero is not that important, in a rally.
No. In my handbag at my feet.
Maybe next time you will use commas.
Indeed that’s all true, and I admit that I wrote that post because it was what first came to my mind if I was in a similar situation, and I was totally sincere. Now I don’t travel so often anymore, but sure I could use your suggestion. Anyway I’m not alone in that way of thinking, because notwithstanding all the…
You’re welcome!
But... who won the game??? Besides, you should see some of the banners that they show at our Italian soccer games... most of them are absolutely politically incorrect, and borderline to racist. It seems that to be a fan of a mass sport whatever, you need to have the IQ of a toad.