
Regular season means dick and they haven’t played anyone in the postseason until now...and guess what? Exposed.


Eyes Wide Shut is a terrible movie. I mean just awful.

“I will see him in the Congo this summer so him and I will talk back home with nobody around us.”

We already got a good video game movie. It was called Mortal Kombat.

Where’s Face off? WHERE’S FACE OFF???

They really need to do something about the size of that font.

I really hope Westbrook goes up for a dunk, drop kicks Curry in the face, and then reasons it by saying “well I was just trying to sell the foul”. Flagrant 1 in-game, Flagrant 2 post-game, no suspension. All is equal

I hope Adams gets kicked in the dick again and retaliates by rugbying Green’s ass to the ground then grabbing his ankle and snapping it. Then he points to the camera and says, “If you had suspended him, this wouldn’t have happened!” And spits on the ref as he walks out.

"...[O]r if Steven Adams now has a trained cobra living in his shorts to bite any feet that come near."

It’s just business

When I was a kid, I used to go lift weights at the local YMCA

Prediction: In three years, there will be an three-hour special sometime in May on NFL Network revealing the officiating rosters for the new season. And we’ll be able to actually hear the bubble burst.

Jesus, this is awful. Thank god he never forgot how to ride a bike.

“Can I have the contact info of your doctor? I need to get rid of this Melonoma”

Yes, exactly this. When your defense is that you were doing something illegal in order to gain a competitive advantage and that the end result of that was that your foot ended up in an opponent’s junk, a one game suspension seems like a reasonable remedy.

Draymond assaults Steve Adam’s nuts two games in a row and I just have this feeling the league is going to be like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯