
Harriet Harris! Interestingly enough, along with all the other singing talent in the "Berlanti-verse," Harriet Harris is ALSO a Broadway star—she played villainess Mrs. Meers in 2002's "Thoroughly Modern Millie." :)

"Thanks, from all of us." Slayed me.

Or, "cis-pool"? Sorry, that was lame. :)

I actually really liked how Kara sort of walked in on James and Lucy right before asking Winn about ordering potstickers. Poorly executed or not, Winn was finally direct about his intentions and feelings. When they weren't reciprocated, he was honest about his doubt that he could keep their relationship "exactly the

If Kara would JUST perform a romantic duet with Winn, who would of course have Jeremy Jordan's heart-melting voice, everything would be different…

I'm a visual person. When the actress playing the mother dove into the pool with that look of utter disbelief and horror, certain she was about to reach the lifeless body of her daughter, only to have that horror morph into something more terrible as her daughter turned and GIGGLED at the bottom of the pool…

There used to be a nail here, but you hit it so perfectly it basically disintegrated. :)

And Laura Benanti (Astra) is a Tony Award winner. :)

I agree, but in a rare moment of subtlety,I think the writers wrote a character doing the right thing (however asinine in delivery) for the wrong reason. That hug—the two doing the hugging and the sad sap who witnessed it ALL knew that it was more than platonic.

I like Winn. Heck, I embarrassingly sort of REALLY understand Winn. Yes, he said something totally douchey-and-socially problematic. But he's in love with his best friend, and has been for years, and is sort of realizing that any fantasies he may have had of her, you know, missing her train and wanting to stay over

Have to agree—favorite episode so far. When Kara lost it at AI mom, I got a little choked up. The one thing Kara has held onto for so long is this memory of her mother as this perfect being, and to see her image of that figure shattered was truly moving.

Dude. Best incorporation of a Jane Austen quote ever. Thanks!

So sorry to comment a year later, but I'm just catching up on this series on Netflix. I LOVE this comment. So much. She's funny, she's kind, she's intelligent. And she's fat. Really, that is the singular reason that Louie isn't attracted to her. And I love that neither character is condemned for that—she doesn't blame