
replying to the grey...

Duct tape 👍

I don’t know what Matrix 4 is going to be about (not even really looking forward to it tbh)

My youngest will either eat 2 bites, or clear his plate, everyone elses plate, and anything left in the kitchen. I haven’t figured out the pattern yet.

This. I know how my kids eat. Two of the girls I give VERY small portions to because I know they’ll take a few bites and say they’re full. The two oldest ones I give decent portions and let them ask for more. Teh 2 year old boy is just a pit and will literally eat anything so we don’t worry about him.

It’s almost like there should be some sort of balance or something. Like, teaching and encouraging kids to not waste food while not using overeating as punishment  

I get what you’re saying and am imagining the sad kid at the table after everyone is gone,

You don’t think it’s a valuable skill learn to know your body enough to determine how much food you need?

So do you still take more than you can eat? I tell my kids to eat what they take too. They can go back for seconds if there are any left.

I don’t know about that. Maybe it was a design flaw like we had in our old Chevy Uplander minivan.

I for one welcome my new alien overlords.

Here’s an invisible, untouchable, inedible ice cream sundae. Please write a complaint about how you like it, but want more of something that doesn’t even exist.

Listen, if you don’t want to create efficiencies in your day-to-day workflows and get critical infrastructure projects completed by EOB each day, while at the same time developing synergies and ‘out of the box’ thinking that are crucial for team building and interoffice morale, then I don’t know what to tell you.

I REALLY don’t want to see what happens when that occurs due to and along with an unchecked pandemic.

Does it?

The stock market is not the economy.

Because that’s how science works. As we learn more about something, the advice changes.

You Should Waffle a Honey Bun

It will probably shock you to find out that I do not care much for the prepackaged snack cake, be it from Hostess or

I remember when Lifehacker would teach the audience how to set up a Linux-based media server on an old laptop or something. Stuff that required actual work and thinking and left you with a sense of minor accomplishment. Those days are long gone. 

eww what kind of fucked up family are you raising