
Right on. An essential good way to maintain appreciation is to interest yourself in the reality of how little soon many have (materially but otherwise too). If you aren’t periodically happy you have a sink with running water you are probably seeing things wrong.

“There’s this great *device*… it’s a *device*, people tell me that can make any car into a beautiful clean-running car… You plug it in the cigarette lighter and bing-bong-bing there you go. California hates you. California made cars not have the cigarette lighter. Oooh! It’s cancer… No cancer in your car… Folks,

Actually, the ones who “need to die” are morons like you who are willing to sell your grandchildren’s climate future for a few hundred bucks off on a brand new car you didn’t need. Please, please crawl into a grave so the rest of the world can work on surviving instead of appeasing selfish dipshits like yourself who

I’m going to leverage your thought leadership when we ideate our next ecosystem disruption. I think a deep dive initiative will help unpack the core competencies needed to move the needle on our deliverables. Hopefully, it will incentivize engagement among key players. I’m out of pocket right now, so I can’t drill

A consideration to note with regards to the Amex card which has an annual fee:

Jalopnik: The only proper way to deal with the VLC issue is to buy a wagon.

Gizmodo: The world is ending!!

One thing to check also is that the hoses aren’t kinked or clogged anywhere. Quite often, moving around stuff under the sink can kink the hoses up. In addition, a sloppy installation can do that behind the unit itself and you’d never know unless you pulles the unit out yourself. Also it’s worth it to clean the lines

One thing to check also is that the hoses aren’t kinked or clogged anywhere. Quite often, moving around stuff under

Yes, some of us did.  It takes a lot of sacrifices to get there for your first home.

I know this is only tangentially related to this article but imma say it anyway — Fuck Apple for getting rid of the SE.

“When he opens his mouth it’s a vacuous hole: There’s little room for a brain or anything else.”

Nobody fucking knows. Even the insiders don’t know. If you talk to level-headed people in the industry, they’ll tell you that the current approach of tying together a multitude of machine learning systems is hitting a ceiling. When we’ll break through that ceiling is a matter of discovery, and you can’t predict

totally agree with the parental angle. that’s what i saw too: a bunch of prick kids who were raised by maniacal trump supporters and forced to go on a pro-life march because that’s all they know. apparently no adult was around to keep these little fuckers in line. 

What you see here hinges on whether you believe that “Make America Great Again” is a dog whistle meant to unite racists, misogynists, and homophobes under one umbrella, or you’re delusional and don’t care about people who aren’t white men.

Loud cars are irritating anyways.

I feel like they’d be hard-pressed to have made this more wrong for their market or any market if they tried.

“Death toll? It’s made up by the Dems! Now, if you’ll excuse me....

I coulda sworn the Bolt was an automobile.

Before Rapunzel lets down her long extension cord, here are some considerations.

I drove a Leaf for a day as a loaner from the windshield shop. It’s pleasant - huge step up from the previous generation. Probably about half way on the spectrum from Bolt “normal” to Tesla “futuristic” - with the swooshy sounds and the one-pedal driving, it’s a little bit Star Trek shuttle-ish - but in a subdued way.