
I found her CDL Instructor.....

You live your life and I’ll live mine. I want my child educated, enriched, socialized, and challenged far better than I possibly can on my own. Even if I stayed home with him all day and did not work I could never do as good a job with his education as his teachers do. They went to school to learn to educate children,

The Force, obviously.

Hi. I am AR. I will be attending all events.

I, for one, welcome the smaller iPhone. I thought, and still think, that the 5/5s was/is the perfect size. I’d “upgrade” in a heartbeat.

Space X would like to remind everyone that it’s has changed it’s landing protocols as well.

This is factually inaccurate. SpaceX has made controlled vertical landings many times. They are attemtping to do so now on a floating barge. That is a much more complex problem

Strong-willed is fine but we as parents *MUST* set the boundaries. I think it’s good parenting to encourage a child to test those boundaries because it helps develop their assertiveness. Of course if they defy the boundaries, then there needs to be consequences. I think once a child matures and learns that this

the advertising only pops up when you stop moving, like at a red light. It may be annoying to see advertising, but let’s remember, we used to pay for GPS, this is free, continuously updated and auto-reroutes to reduce driving time. Do you really need to look at the GPS constantly, or like me, do you glance at it when

You aren’t required to have the app to watch someone’s drive. It gives you a link, at least on the iPhone it does. Hit the more button and you can text, copy and paste and every other option in the share sheet.

I feel you. I have now skipped two upgrade cycles because the bigger phones are not working for me. Thankfully my 5s is still chugging along...keeping my fingers crossed for a new 4” phone

Good, the damn iPhone 6 doesn’t fit in my shirt pocket, and my 5 is nearing the end of its supported lifecycle. If I want a bigger screen I’ll buy an iPad and tether it to my phone.

“Autopilot” is the perfect name for it. In aircraft, the autopilot doesn’t take off, land, or do radical manuvers. It controls the aircraft once it’s up in the air and doing only minor course and altitude changes and corrections. The pilot still has to stay aware for other aircraft and conditions the autopilot can’t

We are in fact, living in the alternate timeline where a vicious lunatic with weird hair gets rich through pure dumb luck and ruins everything.

Why do people seem to think that “I made this work” translates to “Everyone can make this work.”

You think that’s bad? Try being the one responsible for designing exhaust ports.

I’m a granny, and if I were taking my 2-year-old granddaughter on public transit (which I will likely be doing in the not too distant future) I would be sure to add in her sippy cup of milk, some kind of small snacks (probably Annie’s bunny crackers) and her in-case-of-emergency pacifier. Also a Camelbak bottle of

Mostly I collect shame and humiliation upon my family name. That and parking tickets.

This free ice cream is not tasty enough! And the portions are too small!!