
What I find funny is how many android users didn't know that is how you refresh your email like that. Shows just how necessary that bungie effect really is for making things more intuitive. But why am I even feeding the troll... =P

I thought this too, but I looked it up for safe measure. Looks like it is technically legal above 30mph, but not advised.

While I've been arachnophobic my whole life, I've made peace with a particular type of spider. They call 'em jumping spiders. They don't make big webs, they don't tend to bite people unless you screw with them, and they don't injure you if they do. They DO, however, eat loxosceles reclusa by the truckload, and THOSE

I use them under our couch as a barrier to keep baby and dog toys from getting caught underneath.

Why would I want this feature?

Some people may be influenced to take part in bullying if the person leading the bullying is someone they admire or look-up to. People who are themselves insecure and who want to assert themselves are mostly the ones who join in with the lead bully.

Moving next month. We got lots of fax paper boxes from work this will work wonderfully too.

Also, maybe it's different in other places, but where I live every single movie theater is within walking distance of a restaurant of some sort, often in a range of prices. These people complaining that they're being forced to buy meals at movie theaters are baffling. Eat before or eat after. And, yes, you can go

I never drink in a movie. Hate having to leave to go to the bathroom.

Oh how cool is that?!?

Wow, that's neat!

That is a great story! I think there is just something so exotic and fun about Daiso to white people (like myself) who walk in there for the first time. Its really not about getting stuff super cheap like a 99 cent store.

If you ever receive any correspondence about a very old debt, something that is 7 or more years old... DO NOT respond to it in any way. They cant report on it anymore and they can not do anything about it anymore unless you respond, then it resets the clock and makes it a current debt again.

Agreed. On days when I need directions, I need them for work or errands and I need them at once. I have to be places at a set time and have neither gas nor money for getting lost. (I had to find my way to a bank I don't often use today)

My apartment is a great Faraday Cage. No Cell phone will work inside it and no cell phone carrier cares.

The next time you're out look at young people's clothes. No suits, no ties, no dresses. I guess those are disappearing too. Oh, wait ...