
I wish they would focus on crooked politicians/lawmakers instead...

I'm glad I'm not the only one! I have recurring GCal reminders to pay bills on a certain date and other reminders I set months in advance. A few months ago I realized I hadn't gotten the email reminders (which I rely on). One missed reminder caused me to be late sending a bill to a customer, which caused a whole chain

@sandiegoguy: Thanks for the great read. Opens my eyes about Groupons.

Lamp. I love lamp.

There are people at my workplace that take lunch in their car with the engine on and A/C blowing. I also take lunch in my car sometimes, but I roll down the windows and take the heat like a man. The term "Heat" I use lightly... it's usually around 75F during lunchtime right now, in June. Unfortunately, the lunchtime

Raw raw raw yer boat, gently down the stream...

Yup, fans like these have been around since i was modding back in 1998. They work to keep air flowing, but if you really want to cool your system effectively, you need to analyze the "big picture" airflow or what you may end up doing is creating hotspots of heat in your case without knowing it. For example, you may

I was intentionally ignored by blam and rosa while at CES 2011. It was an awesome feeling! I was wearing my richard simmons spandex outfit that day, not sure what the turn off was. Best of luck to you, blam, I enjoyed your posts.

The "wish" part was lost on them. Since the topic is wishing... I wish I could Google for things I couldn't find in my apartment. "Google toenail clipper" I'm feeling lucky.

real sugar!

A while back, I enabled triple-click home to do white on black, a feature I fondly named "HULK MODE". However, I noticed this made the home button wake up (show the unlock screen) just a TINY bit slower. I'm talking just a millisecond, but it was enough to notice. At the time, I hadn't made the connection that my

i double-taked, too!