
@ploopsy: twitter could make all this url shortening go away if they could make the url not count towards the character count. They could shorten it to [twitter/abcd123] when users read it. Instead we have all these aftermarket workarounds. I wonder if anyone on the twitter dev team ever mentioned an idea like this to

@Justin Nelson: WOW!!! this makes me want to buy one. I never knew you could take apart the slapchop like that. Before this, I'd never watched the slapchop commercial more than half a minute before doing something else.

@TerryinSt.Paul: After watching that, i kept hearing, "It's sun-tor-y timmmmme." in my mind.

For me, I always have a habit of clicking on the a textbox regardless if it already has focus or not. So by the time my mouse has traveled across the page to the textbox, all the elements already fade in.

Oh, and here is a shameless self-plug for a simple, yet unique gift: [gogostand.com] will set you back $5 but has the "cool" lifehackery feeling when you can produce a media player stand on a moment's notice.

If it's middle click you want for web browsing for "Open In New Tab" functionality, I have found that CTRL-Left Click has the same effect.

I saw the smart money clip (or similar item) at 7-eleven the other day. They had an as-seen-on tv endcap in there with other stuff too.

Regarding mobile Flash development: Until Flash for mobile is installed BY DEFAULT on mobile devices, don't count on it being a viable solution for a public facing site for the masses. In the meantime, I'm continuing to develop mobile web apps with plain old html and js. I'm not praising js (it's a love/hate

@Flawd: full of awesome, this one!

Great article. Thanks for bringing MSE to our attention. At home, we're currently using a 3-pack license of norton internet security I got at Fry's on sale, but it'll expire in a few months. I might as well switch now while I have free time before the holidays. #security

@Protector one: i've left a tv remote in the freezer before. didn't find it until the next time i went to get another hagen daas ice cream popsicle! #cleveruses

@sammouth: It would be difficult to replicate the biggest benefits of WHS. It's not just a samba share at \\server\share. When you use WHS, a windows client is installed on each PC you want to backup to the server. The client handles your automatic backups to the WHS at night. It staggers the schedule, coordinates

@Overzeetop: Grounding the grinder is a great idea! I'm not too confident around electricity though. I'd do it if I had the audacity. #coffee

Today I have a goal. My goal is to randomly refresh this page throughout the day and individually reply to any "just use a linux box" comments I see. WHS does so much more than offer a samba share on RAID with a configuration web page. #windowshomeserver

@zoomZAP: A big advantage of WHS is that it MANAGES your backups for you and it does it with ease. Sure anyone can set up a network share with linux distro 'xyz', but all you've done is made \\linuxbox\share... you're only 10% of the way to a viable solution for backing up home PCs and sharing media. See my previous

@psychiccheese: WHS gives you a "duplicate" option on any network share you choose which duplicates the data to another drive so your data survives if any random drive in your storage pool dies. I like this option because I can duplicate family photos but not have to waste hard drive space duplicating MP3s and DVDs