This may bring on a flame or two, but here goes..
This may bring on a flame or two, but here goes..
@jupiterthunder: i love "lazers"
@badger500: at a company I used to work for a few years ago they hired a "business consultant" who liked quoting from Godin's purple cows book. That consultant was a real dbag. I saved some emails from the guy in a .txt file to show people. Here's a great line from one of them: "My focus is to identify profitable…
That's real nice and all. And I don't want to tell you how to do your job, but could you make the logo bigger? Make the logo and big as you can.
@envador: And besides, why should we have to change a system-wide setting just to stop the cursor from blinking while we type in Outlook? This issue only exists in outlook (and word)!
@DaTruth: Kidding as in something this trivial could even be an issue right? But no, it's definitely an issue. Outlook 2007 ignores that cp/keyboard setting while text is being typed... the cursor keeps blinking, and randomly too.
@envador: I figure it would be more productive to complain to the right people, so I just left this feedback through Microsoft's Office 2007 support website... (I hope someone sees it!)
@UGAdawg: Thanks for the draft view tip. Looks like the cursor now behaves correctly in Word 2007 draft view (without needing to adjust the system keyboard cursor blink rate either!). But there doesn't seem to be an outlook 2007 "draft view" equivalent when typing new messages.
@UGAdawg: That's what everyone suggests (from googling my heart out), but it doesn't work. Office 2007 doesn't honor that setting. To experience it for yourself, go ahead and try changing the cursor blink rate in the keyboard settings. Then open up a new message in Outlook 2007. Sure, the cursor no longer blinks…
I HATE the fact that the cursor continues to blink while you're typing. In ALL other programs, the cursor stays solid while text is being entered and resumes blinking a few moments after you stop typing. But noooOOOoo, the entire Office 2007 suite decided they would keep the cursor blinking of its own accord while…
My wife has been using priceline since 2001. (before we were married) She is the travel queen; do not doubt the travel queen.
@clintosterholz: Forget about a LIKE button...
His name really is Myke Hawke? hehe say that 10 times fast :)
VOTE: Media Player Classic
@Tyrun101: I just tried it, but the other party also needs to be running supersync for the copy remote library to work.
@Mr.SpoonFelix: you could run the code on a virtual machine that doesn't have any sound drivers.
is there still a way to copy shared itunes music? the old methods posted here on LH from a year ago don't work.
This helps a lot! But here's a problem... the 3G full-res pics were less than a MB, but the 3GS full-res pics are more than a MB. I feel like a 600KB picture (full-res on 3G) was a good size for emailing, but copy/paste from the 3GS ends up sending a > 1MB file and I believe there's some form of unspoken email…
@DiscoZombie: no sir, you're alright. It's just that I've started noticing it used more these past few months. It's like someone flipped a switch and now everyone's using plus in their everyday communications. Personally, I've got nothing against plus; It's minus and divided by that really irk me!
Usage of the word "plus" ... I've started noticing more and more people using it in writing. I wasn't taught to use it that way, plus it seems to interrupt the flow of a sentence. *slight pause* See what I did there?