I think his point is that, scale of manufacturing aside, things are overpriced on Etsy. I generally agree. Very little is worth the asking price, even considering the smaller scale at which they work.
I think his point is that, scale of manufacturing aside, things are overpriced on Etsy. I generally agree. Very little is worth the asking price, even considering the smaller scale at which they work.
Thirst is real
Somebody sounds lonely....
It helps that it's a nice attractive looking police officer.
Saw the headline and thought, "stupid", watched the video and thought, "next team fortress"
Immersion immsmershiun, I want a toothpick stegosaurus that has laser guided taquitos, and poops chicken wings, while reciting the novelizations of the Austin Power Movies.
They look so...shiny...
I sat through this yesterday in one sitting and it felt like my (half) life was flashing before my eyes or I had consumed a large amount of something I shouldn't have consumed.
Perhaps this is because the game was not designed to be played in this manner? It's like playing a 2D game with the Rift, the genre just isn't designed for it. Stop showing us games that are not designed for the damned thing and give us applications built from teh ground up for it. Until then, it will remain a novelty.
I'd wager that this playing like crap has more to do with core input mechanics being hacked into an 18 year-old game that wasn't designed for them, but eh.
Adblock is your friend.
This figure is currently on sale at crunchyroll for $7 off. In case anyone is interested. That having been said, their shipping costs are astronomical, so if you're going to purchase from them then I recommend getting $75+ worth of stuff and using this coupon code SHINJI75 for free shipping.
You wouldn't do any of that.
People still haven't shut up about Mass Effect 3, you think they'll shut up about Aliens?
Oh look, here come the Aliens: Colonial Marines comments.