I never full saw Revolution OS. I have it somewhere in my drive. I'll check it out tonight.
I never full saw Revolution OS. I have it somewhere in my drive. I'll check it out tonight.
*picks phone up*
"They sent me a bottle in advance, and... oh god, it's leaking. *coughs* EVERYTHING SMELLS LIKE CHEETOS. "
Curt did you get a face transplant?
Drama is horrendous, glad it got cancelled. This show would have been like the god awful Silicon Valley drama-induced, "reality" equivalent to indie game jams.
Despite how much I too despise it, it is techinically strategy.
Fuuck that. Take the fun out of Battlefield 4. I don't just want lens flare and motion blur, I want bombs hovering in the sky!
The only reason I watched the entire video was because I thought like a full minute parkour clip would be shown toward the end of the video. I'm like shit!
Hell of a lot less parkour than I expected.
It's definitely a sense of nationalism, national identity, that procured these borders. The border being there also further enforces that nationalist attribute among that country's citizens.
How long until pigeon masks replace horse masks here in the US? WILL they ever replace horse masks?
I think this is the first time I think anyone's used tectonically and megatonnically together in one sentence.
Did you by any chance quote Mulan on me?
Despicable Me guy in real life.
Nutella isn't that good.
Implying th- alright I'll stop :B
Implying the PC isn't capable of displaying those graphics.
It was just too much unnecessary swearing :P
Implying the E3 version was played on non-existing technology.
DMC in a nutshell: "Whore! Fuck! Little shit! MOTHERFUCKER! cocksucker!"