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It's still very interesting to see.

when companies invest in building tech like this, you better believe they're going to us for as many games as they can.

I thought it would be an AR headset based on the AR headset that Sony debuted several years back. Anyone remember that one?

I agree :P

Dude I would LOVE a female Assassin, also in part just to hear people bitch about it.

I think it's the CGI. If it's a movie that I like, the CGI I don't mind, like in Amazing Spiderman 2. But if it's a boring ass movie like Man of Steel, it's a draag.

I'm not superstitious either but something sinister doesn't care what you believe in.

Seriously. I love technology, I think it looks BEAUTIFUL!

GDC is not for the average networker.

It's a road block essentially, because how many people do you think take into consideration their age and decide that their chance for something great is over.

Hmm I don't know man.

I <3 Egoraptor! When he got voted off of The Tester, that show went to shit :'D

Yes but if the designated developer that kickstarted spends some money and realizes he cannot complete the project, he wouldn't really be able to refund the entire amount. Of course it wouldn't be a bad idea refunding the left-over funds and splitting it evenly between the backers. They would understand I assume.

Age isn't a factor when it comes to making an impact in the world.

No. :'D

Hehe :'D

I'd prefer it over Pokemon :D

Eh, she's not real..so technically..

Neither can I! Looking forward to the one-man army take down :P

You should put on undies more often.