Entry 1>

Dat edge man.

Great. The 14-year old weapons experts are here.

Because people spend their time looking at pictures of these things right? Comeon man.

Perhaps it will be $14.99 for non-season pass consumers and appear to be much less for season pass consumers. Idk.

That's the problem. Pretty soon they'll be more outrageous with the way they sell their video games, and we still won't care. If we allow bad things to go unchallenged, surely they'll grow uglier.

Several Kotakuers are apparently hyped for Peggle 2.


So you can pretty much create anything in this game. Wow. Wasn't aware that the assemblies were this expansive. As someone who doesn't have a next-gen nor' past gen console, I might consider getting the X1 just for this.

I used to get high off these.

Everyone on public transportation when someone goes ape-shit.

I seriously thought about ripping my headset up due to song after song. I had forgotten what Disney was like.

It DID entice you to click on it though. It did its job man.

It definitely has similarities to portal. The switches, the 'tests.'

I can't help but burst out laughing at the static facial expression in EVERY ONE of these screenshots :'D

As a fairly great touch typist, this is a calling... Touch typists unite!

The company you work for can be the greatest of friends with you, then they force you out.

They still do O.o

I don't like the fact that people identify themselves through the actions of a country. I think it's bullshit, not to mention foolish.

Idk I mean most of the population currently in Germany did not take part in this. They weren't even alive during this time of war.

They act as if Germans are zombies awaiting to be triggered by swastikas :D