
That is beyond brilliant. Enough to almost make me interested in social media.

“don’t have the time, simply go trough the main quest and ignore the side activities”

The answer for me, at least, is that I only play the games that really, really align with my interests. That means setting, gameplay, genre, style, quality. The difference these days is that I hardly touch anything that doesn’t check every one of those boxes, where in the past I might have compromised on some if the

Oh, sorry if I came off like an Aquaman hater because I’m not. I’m just answering your initial question, which was why Aquaman became a joke but not Namor.
Oh, and also: Namor came first by a couple years. The knock-off can win sometimes, but most of the time pole position is hard to beat.

And I, in turn, am now into the phrase “They’re gonna Boba Fett the hell out of her.”

Most likely.

I hope she DOES wear it the whole time because in SW, Boba Fett and Darth Vader established a tradition of masks being identity. They were who they were in some part because of the masks, and the only time we saw one of them without it, it was because Anakin had triumphed over his role as Vader.

They recognize that already. That’s why they fight so hard to show that there’s no problem with the environment, racism is over, and women have nothing in particular to worry about.

I don’t know why, the covers just LOVED to feature him as gigantic, ripping planes and boats in half, toppling skyscrapers, etc.

When his first appearances were to declare war on the surface world and wreck shit... and his first modern appearance was as a homeless amnesiac who then kinda goes on a rampage... yeah.

gee, ya think? But that might imply that we have to do something we don’t want to do, or worse yet, not do something that we do want to do!

It just occurred to me.
If the show flops because of shit like this right here, you know what they’re going to say, right?

I am really looking forward to Supergirl.

Yeah, you got the core concept.

Did you actually read the article and understand what the maps represent?

Very interesting- thanks!

No, they remain an empirical evidence factory. If empirical evidence doesn’t happen to mesh with your politics, one of those should adjust.

“Palpatine (aka Darth Sidious) fooled Anakin Skywalker into believing the dark side could bring someone back from the dead. What if he wasn’t lying?”

Am I alone in wanting a male companion? Not the companion’s boyfriend or relation, but the companion himself.

Because overall he’s been bee written not just better, but probably more importantly as a potential threat.