police received a call regarding a “suspicious person walking down Airline Highway with an assault rifle.” The shooting began as police arrived.
police received a call regarding a “suspicious person walking down Airline Highway with an assault rifle.” The shooting began as police arrived.
Who or what is responsible for shaping those cultural norms in islamic countries? The answer: islam as the state religion and it’s religious leaders.
The shooting started AFTER the police arrived. Those rivaling gangs must have shown some impressive level of restraint. A gang shootout without any actual shooting? Strange, huh?
According to every feminist on planet earth, patriarchal systems exist in practically every country in the world. When you have a statistical frequency of cases of honor killings in islamic countries or by islamic families in western countries, doesn’t this fact speak for itself?
Where was the other group you are fantazizing about? They must have disappeared into thin air then. This looks like an ambush ‘Dallas style’.
What does this have to do with honor killings? These are acts by individuals who out of misguided religious beliefs harm themselves or others. In honor killings, whole families kill family members (usually women) and more often than not, continue to get away with it in islamic countries. That is proof of a deeply…
Funny, are we now going to believe, that the right wing media in christian countries are surpressing the informatiopn about countless honor killings, meaning whole families gather to punish one member of the family by death juats b/c “The incidence of honor killings is very difficult to determine and estimates vary…
If I had said that honor killings are the most atrocious religious crimes in the history of the world, you’d have a point. Keep digging deep into the past while completely disregarding the present.
I was explicitly talking about modern western societies vs any kind of islamic country, from ‘modern’ Turkey to the barbarism that is Afghanistan in 2016. Do you believe that the catholic church condones these artrocities carried out in the most backward countries in the world? That you have to search in the darkest…
Yep that’s it, that one case proves that honor killings have nothing to do with religion and christians are as guilty as muslims when committing those crimes. Please continue to act obtuse towards the intention of my claim - showing that the multitude of honor killings happen by muslim families in this world, with…
Please continue with your false equivalencies. The catholic curch has apologized to the victims of abuse. Have you talked to some victims of honor killings lately? Oh wait, you can’t because THEY ARE DEAD! I wish for all the women in this thread who have attacked me and called me a bigot among other things, to go to…
You really want to make the claim, that in 2016 Catholicism kills as many people for religious reasons as Islam does, or even more? That denouncing religion in El Salvador will get you killed? There is no modern christian country where there is no freedom of religion, while there is hardly any islamic country where…
Phyllis Chesler stated in a study that worldwide, 91 percent of perpetrators were Muslims.[83] Resolution 1327 (2003) of the Council of Europe states that:[84]
You don’t know the difference between emotional torture and actually pushing someone to their death? Well, this story might clear things up for you.
This goes far beyond domestic violence. This is families sentencing one family member to death for running afoul their barbaric, atavistic views of what constitutes a decent way of living. This is a problem of the muslim community, not just in islamic countries but also in western societies. Addressing it, doesn’t…
Thank you, I was starting to believe, that I was talking to an assembly of asylum inmates. One voice of reason!
With women like you, I’d wish you’d have to live in one of those islamic countries where time seems to stand still for a little while (not as a tourist though). You’d find out what being subservient really means for women in those countries.
If 91% of all cases happen within muslim families, doesn’t that paint a pretty clear picture about honor killings and religion? That’s like saying that rape is a gender neutral crime, just b/c a small fraction of all rapists are women. Placing the blame equally on men and women, when every sane person knows that not…
This study apparently hasn’t heard about all the mass non-muslim honor killings around the world either. /s