Entre dos aguas

Read this, then go fuck yourselves.

Read this study to the end, then tell me again about the many honor killings in Italy and how this has nothing to do with Islam.

I apologize, it’s only 91%:

Honor killings *are* mainly a ‘muslim thing’. That gay kid does not get pushed off the bridge my their parents and siblings and in almost all western countries abortions *are* legal. This is in no way, shape or form even remotely comparable.

To all those who claim, well it’s not about religion, misogyny’s to blame. When you hear ‘honor killing’ and you’re not automatically thinking *welp, yet another woman getting killed by her muslim family* then you’re lying. In approximately 99% of all cases, you would be right with your assumption.

It happens among muslims far more often than among any other religion. Is that even debatable?

People getting publicly stoned to death/burnt alive b/c they admit to being gay or having an abortion in the US in the middle of the day by a mob in public? When did that happen recently? The last time gay people got killed in drones for being gay was at a nightclucb in Florida. Who was that guy again and what was his

Call me, as soon as even one islamic country and its religious leaders begin to own up to their wrongdoings just like the catholic church has done and will continue to do (not that I’m a big fan of catholicism or any other religion).

Did you just wake up from a coma? It’s 2016 not 1980. The mayors of both Rome and Turin are women, for example. Half the members in Renz’s cabinet are women. Just compare the pope to your average islamic cleric. Notice a difference?

Whole families convicting a woman to death cuz she doesn’t adhere to their atavistic views of decency vs a free society where women have the right to an abortion and contraceptives. Go to a christian church and tell the congegrates that you are planning to convert to another religion. Some might give you funnylooks,

Yet another manifestation of this non-violent religion. Please list any non-muslim ‘honor killings’ where the whole family is complicit in murdering a female family member?

I read that thread and you know what - he was right. His other points were all valid and all the other commenters tried to score a cheap one by harping on the SNL remark, which admittedly was kinda stupid.

Independence Day: Resurgence unlike Ghostbusters, is a sequel, not a reboot. Same production crew, director and most of the original cast, continuing the original story. The Ghostbusters pitch was basically *Hey look, Ghostbusters with women and part of the original cast to play it safe*.

I’ve had a pretty stable writing staff for the last ten years. We haven’t had a ton of turnover. At least for one of these shows it’s actually one of the lowest turnovers.

I think she gets off a little too easy. Nobody seems to invoke white boy girl privilege. Any white boy doing this and the calls of white male privilege, male entitlement, rape culture etc. would not stop simply cuz he was just 14 years old back then and the road to redemption on social media would be a lot longer for

...and if the girl in question had been 15, your answer would have been ‘It’s older than 15'. In other words, if you sympathize with that person you will always find ways to rationalize almost any behavior, otherwise it’s *fuck hat guy*.

What’s the age limit for racism then? Were you can shrug it off and just say, well, I was young and dumb...

I’m counting seven women among the 15 top billed actors. This one is probably more gender diverse than the new Ghostbusters movie.

Don’t you think that gay actors would lose many jobs if only straight actors played straight roles and gay actors had to play gay characters only? There will never be a balance between straight and gay characters in movies and tv, b/c in the real world only about 5 to 10 % of all people identify as gay. It’s simple

Of course there’s nothing wrong with that! Did I say otherwise? I feel like I should conclude every such comment with a clarifying *not that there is anything wrong with it*, for people who have difficulties differentiating between criticism and a mere observation.