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Does this mean Lego marvel characters and DC character together?!

You're my hero. You and your kickass grandfather.

I was banned once from answering questions in a college class, but we were playing a Jeopardy! game for extra credit points, and I’d gotten my team 75% of the points by then. So that was fair I guess.

Back when I was in high school, another girl and I were always at the top of our AP Physics class. The instructor was really annoyed by this. After we got our winter grades, he spent part of one class explaining that we were aberrations, and put a bunch of statistics on the board saying that men do better. But it

I was never allowed to answer ANY questions in primary school. In general I only got to answer when no one else knew the answer. When I asked teacher upon teacher why, they said it was because they knew I knew the answer and I had to give the other kids a chance to prove themselves. Guess who always got a chance to

In sixth grade, I was disallowed from answering mental math questions because I generally got the answer faster than anyone else in class. Once I was forced to stay quiet, a single boy started answering at about my same rate. He was never told he needed to not participate.

Yeah, if that was my kid, I would demand my kids goes to a new counselor and never even sees that person again. But also, my experience with guidance counselors is that they are a waste of space, to be honest. In my experience and my sister’s, they did nothing but waste our time for four years. I really don’t

His roughest scrap with The Man came in 2000. He got busted in Philadelphia after he’d secured a job working security for Republican National Convention, but before he’d executed his plan to hang a protest banner at the event decrying U.S. military policy.

Nationals Parking Attendant: Sorry sir this space is for compact cars, and you’re in a mini-SUV

"Wait. What do you mean that's too many?" — shot clock operator, Kentucky-Wisconsin game

The stadium said the new bathrooms won’t be ready until June. I’m going to set up a stand right outside selling Cubs-themed adult diapers.

His favorite basketball player is the 1992 Dream Team. Cut him some slack!

Also. The British Bulldog is one person.


"I can't marry you, I'm already married! My husband's name is, um, Joe Smith! He's a baseball player! For the, errr, Los Angeles...Angels...of Anaheim!"


I’ve been doing some additional research to try and figure out what’s been going on after finally cooling down from yesterday’s Amiibo frustration. After a little bit of research, I’ve come to a conclusion as to where our Amiibo woes actually lie. From what I can tell, the root is still the strike that hit the West

As a Suns fan, this game perfectly encapsulates the season. The 3 Suns players botching that rebound with no Warriors around was so disheartening.

Will somebody PLEASE find me a GIF of Roger from Mad Men asking Peggy for coffee during the secret move to their own company, and peggy very casually answering “no”. I believe its Season 3, episode 13.

I edit a beer magazine so me and the SO go to beer bars and breweries quite a lot. Every single time the bartender will strike the conversation up with my SO about beer styles, trends, etc. and he’ll have to gesture over to me with while saying “I dunno, I don’t know much about beer. She’s the editor of xxyy magazine.