
They could make the game so you don’t really have to go out and do anything, maybe add a single player campaign so you can catch all pokemons in a virtual world you can move through with buttons.

My phone isn’t powerful enough to play it either, should I also feel left out?

Lore-wise, magikarp is known to suck as food. Too much bones, too much scales and the meat is mediocre-tasting.

dat horse seen though...

Cats usually raise their tails as a reaction to friendly interactions, not sure it’s appropriate in this sort of scenario.

I don’t have much money and my PC is getting behind. But I’m enjoying the crap out of Fallout 4. Even today I’m getting really sweet moments in it, like throwing a grenade inside a house full of ghouls and closing the door. The ghouls went “gaaarg!” as picture frames, coffee mugs and other items blew up through a hole

Are there people still playing TF? I miss that game dearly ):

Ohh Gungrave <3

I don’t get people’s expectations.

Elitism is one thing, “they’re just jerks” I used to think, but the distrust and condescending attitudes of their leaders instantly told me their intentions aren’t noble at all.

The thing with CGI that is able to fool you, is that you thought it was real footage, ha.

I actually liked that there was junk that you could ignore, it made the world feel more alive to know there’s stuff that isn’t there only for you, it made it organic.

Because they were expensive?

Is one punch man not on this season?

My dream is to one day go through the experience of the metro on VR. It is so atmospheric and perfect for the platform, it surprises me no one shows any particular interest to make it happen.

It called more of my attention his statement that someday pedophilia is going to be an institutional right. It won’t, we’ll tend to an era of less hate but that doesn’t mean we’ll allow anything like that. Not the site do discuss that, though...

Don’t worry, you will never be as ignored by everyone as those that are left-handed (like me).

Ahhh! good HL.

Some player picked stitches in mines.
random player: Stitches? Why? You pro with hook?
random player 2: he better be...

I noped out of that game and joyfully played a quick match with other quitters.

I side with making the right choices but I’m also pro going against the books. Arrogant try-hards annoy me.

Picture having a full team working on the game that is already defined start to end. Then, one part of the team finishes most of its tasks covered by the budget (level design, assets, etc.).

Because in this case, you get to play other games after dying. If someone tells me I can live in another world after I die in this one I will be very happy.