Oh my. You're right up there with Caity after this column.
Oh my. You're right up there with Caity after this column.
You guys are so cynical. Maybe he was defending her. I hope that is the case. Dads are supposed to be champions.
It certainly could explain the lack of evidence concerning alien visitation.
Aside: Since they changed the meaning of "literally" I really don't know if you mean the old definition of "literally" or if you indeed mean, "figuratively".
Amazing. This is just amazing. I love it that all of the men put this girl gamer into the stereotype/checkbox of what she should be and ignore when she tells them that that's not who she is, and then they say, essentially, that yes, that is who you are and then when she shows them who she actually is, they all abandon…
So, I run "Jailbreak the Patriarchy" as a Chrome extension, and as such, this article and all of its comments are mighty confusing.
I just want to say that I am genuinely disappointed; the number of people who noticed the Spice Girls Mel mix-up was fewer than I'd expected from Jezebel readers. For shame.
The underlying problem is that, as a North American culture, we teach "don't get raped," instead of "don't rape."
Don't be hysterical.
People who want to go to prison should probably be there anyway. Just like Coachella.
I'm exactly the same.
Oh, you know, all-starring the interweb. Regardless, it was a good laugh; good jokes are timeless.
Hahahahaha. Thanks for that.
Serious question to people who know more about these things than I, from a young-ish non-American: If China blocks certain webpages from public access, that would be a violation of the First Amendment if they had something like that and non-web-blocking-populations call that censorship, correct?
MY first thought was: Suspended? Really? They should be fired.
Sounds to me like you just outed them.
It's Wil, and you can tell him. @wilwheaton.
The only Rumps twist I really HATED was him as Beast. Plus I want to see Gaston as a real person—like, in a recurring role. How funny could that be? Really funny, excruciatingly. Rumps as the crocodile is pretty awesome, though.