Ensign Deadshirt

…Are we sure this wasn't accidentally posted on AV Club instead of The Onion?

Yeah everyone praises Charlie Hunnam's acting in Sons of Anarchy, but while I love Pacific Rim, his acting is the worst part of the movie, by far.

This had all the makings of being a mediocre cheesy, run-of-the-mill, ridiculous mummy-on-a-train-in-space adventure. I saw the preview last week and thought it looked dumb, and honestly wasn't really looking forward to even watching it today. It seemed like the kind of premise that I've never really cared for in

I'm named after Patrick Swayze's character from "Road House" - Mr. Dalton. My mom was a huge Swayze fan… My dad just thought it sounded cool. Though I've seen it as both a first name and a last name (Timothy Dalton comes to mind), it still just never sounds right to me… And I was known as "dolphin boy" in elementary

Makes me think of Aubrey Plaza in "Scott Pilgrim," which makes me think of Edgar Wright, which makes me now sort of want him to direct "Deadpool."

I dunno, maybe because she's a comedian being a comedian on a comedy show?

I don't think I've ever heard anyone say they disliked Donna so much. I always thought she was the one companion that pretty much everyone universally liked. Personally, I wasn't a fan of Martha, but I've run across a fair amount of people that feel the same way.

If the comments here are any indication, perhaps Apple realized that for once it made a product too good that lasts too long and carries too much music that people don't have to buy a new version every 2 years. Apple pretty much operates on the idea of planned obsolescence these days, and the iPad Classic simply just

This happened with my girlfriend the other day (not an uncommon occurrence). We decided on BJ's Brewhouse, which had a long line when we got there, so we had to decide on a Plan B, which ended up being Denny's after I semi-jokingly suggested it and my girlfriend got really excited about having their clam chowder.

I'm fairly certain that's the premise of the yet-to-be-announced 4th Hunger Games book/movie.

Same. I'm from California and the first time I heard about it being like that in other parts of the country was only a couple years ago, and I was shocked. Here, waitstaff get paid minimum wage (at least) and then tips are just extra on top of that. It baffles me how other states get away with saying "Yeah, your tips

It has probably been happening for quite some time, it's just more visible now with Twitter and Instagram.

*Female UC Berkeley freshman voice* "But do they offer gluten free pasta?"

My record is 4 bowls, the first one being the normal-sized plate and the subsequent 3 being served in the smaller bowl. I have to say I was thankful for this, as it gives you the opportunity to vary your choices of pasta that will inevitably lead to a heart attack. Because a heart attack caused by a single type of

He mentioned Coke a few times, and some people in America refer to soda as "pop" for some reason?

Being that his character has likely indirectly contributed to the death of me and my TNG-gold-shirted brethren many a times, I can't say I'm sorry.

Hah, grammar jokes!

The "Kidz Bop" franchise is only at 26, if that makes it any better. Speaking of which, I wonder if they're going to skip Kidz Bop 69 or just say "fuck it" and go for it.

For a moment I thought you were referring to something Robin Williams-related, but then I remember that there's other news going on in the world as well. You know, like the ingrained racism in our society which results in the death of unarmed citizens at the hands of cops. That sort of stuff.

It has its own designated tap and everything!