
Rufus T. Firefly would have made a better president.

I’m in for the viking funeral

When I think of a prestigious, elusive honor, I think of the WWE Hall of Fame

Oh Thank God THAT’S over and we can move forward and never speak of any of this again.

And symbols are really good for playing on public opinion, which is exactly what Trump is going to do to rile up his base and feed his own ego. If he hasn’t already he is going to be all over tweeting how this totally exonerates him and how Mueller’s investigation should be shut down immediately because this means the

Man, talk about an act that has not aged well.

So this is just largely symbolic and doesn’t really mean anything anyway? I mean the republicans were never going to do anything anyways.

What the fuck does global warming have to do with this?

we’re looking at the best way forward to push these other things through, whether it’s on a state level, whether it’s on a federal level,

And I’m sure that’s exactly what she was trying to say in between her Pall Mall-tainted spittle attacks.

I’m so used to Michael’s deft turn of phrase and wizardry with the oblique reference that I spent an unreasonably long time staring at that sentence, thinking, “Now what does he mean?”

“School choice” is a mask. DeVos wants to expand access to and funding for Christian schools, which advocating for “school choice” allows her to do. Mother Jones did a good writeup on this:

I mean, she’s really trying hard to beat him though.

“We shouldn’t be funding school buildings, and if they fall and crumble on students, it’s the teachers’ fault for not using their guns to save the students.”

Seriously: Has there been a worse Cabinet member in the past 100 years?  

Ego; I’m white, I’m rich, therefore I know shit.

Experts gon’ expert...

Trump wants, Trump says, Trump thinks doesn’t mean a god damn thing. The only thing Trump cares about in the universe is himself. Anything he says/does as POTUS is simply whatever the last person in the room said to him and told him how great of an idea it was.

Doesn’t matter what “system” they determine the schools should use, it wouldn’t do a bit of good.

Would schools be required to disclose how many and which teachers are packing? Could parents pull their children out of schools that allow concealed carry? Or refuse to allow their kids to be in those teachers’ classes? Or is this some new don’t ask don’t tell bullshit.