
I watched a non-major golf tournament this weekend with an interest I haven’t had in years, because Tiger was in the mix. Golf’s young-guys-who-might-do-a-thing are absolutely entertaining, but Tiger is transcendent, and the best golfer of all time. (Yes, he is. With hats tipped to the other fantastic golfers he’s

Welp, if Drug Dealers are mass murderers because of the products they sell, we’d better jail and execute every gun manufacturer and tobacco product company. All of GM. Ford, Cadillac.

Yet another disgusting display of anti-American tripe. He goes on and on attacking would be allies(American citizens), but he has yet to say one derogatory word about Putin, a man who’s primary international focus is on bringing the west in general,and America in particular, to it’s knees.

I muted it. To quote a dear friend full of wisdom: “He’s not allowed to talk in this house.”

What a thug.

My time in the military wasn’t a bed of roses, but the truth is that I loved it. Ironically, since I was wounded twice, the Army was a very safe place for me and I enjoyed my time there a great deal. That being said, I find the hero worship of past and present service members bizarre. The folks in the military are

The military has traditionally been where we address many of our social problems before they’re addressed in the general population. For example, Truman integrated the military in 1948. That didn’t solve racism, but it did result in a lot of PoC being treated better in the military than they were in civilian life. For

Yeah. It’s incredible that both of the following are simultaneously true:

And I’m not making up the fact Volodya’s basically ordering that his team win

do we know if he put up a fight?

Hell, start at the Canadian border.

I’m thinking Bugs could have started sawing a couple of states further north…

So, in a nutshell

And they’re stupid as fuck. The Target parking lot is not a sea, you stupid assholes

You (and I) would hire that guy, but I guarantee you that the NFL wouldn’t draft him. They’re all looking for a borderline drone-like team first mentality. Some teams even sell this as a good thing to their fan bases.

Holland House: Come for the Fuck-Room, Leave because they serve Heineken.

I just don’t see the logic here. How does an absurd (and illegal, if you’re talking about the context of a job interview, which the combine effectively is) question in a room with a few assholes in it correspond to having your performance on the field scrutinized by the media or a fanbase?

I spent last (austral) winter down at MCM. While they’re not doing winter flights this year, they did last year, and seeing a C-17 do a NVG landing on a pitch black ice runway is something else.

Yeah, God forbid someone have different tastebuds than you!