
Clear alcohols are for rich women on diets.

One of my good friends bought a black one and we taped a review from Car & Driver or R&T on the window that referred to it as a “sheep in wolve’s clothing”. He also drove it to my sister’s wedding and when he pulled up my brother said “hey look it’s Batman”.

Ohhhhhhhhhhh Canada...............

Average Corvette owner and limp mode go hand in hand.

So if I’m concerned about someone hacking the bluetooth on my phone the best option isn’t to turn it off when I’m not using it but to not have a phone to begin with?

What I meant is the other night they did the same thing and it bit them.

They had a graphic up on the screen labeled “Final Results” showing the 3 medalists - at the same time as the guy who isn’t Bode Miller was saying “9 more skiers to go”. I guess they don’t watch their own coverage.

When I clicked on Barry’s article earlier I couldn’t bring myself to comment and ruin perfection:

NFC is not secure so an NFC card / phone reader can be compromised the same way an ATM can be. My main issue with using this feature has been turning the NFC on and off every time or more importantly forgetting to turn it off after the transaction.

Also keep in mind it requires you to have NFC on and I don’t know about you but I don’t like the idea of my phone transmitting / receiving unless necessary (i.e. you use Pay and forget to turn NFC off after). I use tec tiles on the light switch next to my front door and in my car to try to control what’s on when

You may be right, the surviving footage if sketchy at best.

Skating was removed from the Summer Olympics after the 1896 Greek doping scandal.

One of the favorite pastimes of honor guards is to stand at attention with a 10 pound rifle at present arms while mindless fuckery is engaged in.


Aaron Sorkin said it well:
-Ideological purity
-Compromise as weakness
-A fundamentalist belief in scriptural literalism
-Denying science
-Unmoved by facts
-Undeterred by new information
-A hostile fear of progress
-A demonization of education
-A need to control women’s bodies
-Severe xenophobia
-Tribal mentality

That series of tweets up there is all you need to inform you of the craven, feckless nature of these imbeciles who claim to be leaders.

They don’t call her ‘the metronome’ for nothing.

Tim also posted this after the ‘NBC primetime coverage’ showed it.

Especially on an airplane where the lesser pressures can pump up the anal acoustics. I’ve done altitude chamber training where they bring you up to like 15,000' and above unpressurized - in that scenario even Mother Teresa is dropping paint peelers.