
“..........he’s incredibly frail and his arms are weak. And when I punched him, he dropped so quickly, I thought he was diving toward the ground. I regret nothing. The end.”


On the balcony while making aggressive eye contact with your neighbor.

Only uncouth savages strangle the goose in the living room.

How many LOLs is this on the Mets scale with winning the World Series in ‘86 worth zero LOLs and the Pretty Boy Keith Hernandez “spitter on the grassy knoll” dust up worth ten LOLs?

Off my lawn old man!

I used to live in Cambridge MA down the street from Bill Walton when he played for the Celts, my first NBA memory was seeing that big goofy Dead Head bastard ride by on his bike.

Damn I actually though Rush was dead but I guess he’s still wasting air and still a messy little bitch.

Let his own staff explain:

Ah no, actually not the upside down but the Trumpside down of bullshit

Don’t buy it too hard, it’s a commentary on the imbecilic nature of our ‘leadership’ that things which used to pass as obvious parody need to be qualified.

What even indeed, since we live in the world we live in I should tell you that I made that tweet up.

I guess this would be an inappropriate stamp:

Let’s be real, they’re playing chess, Trump is playing with paste.

Our president is literally the dumbest person in the vast majority of the rooms he walks into, including in whatever class your notional ten year old is currently wiping boogers on his desk.

Now playing

Watching US-Slovakia the other day I kept thinking of this scene:

I take Gronk - any draft, regardless of sport, activity or conflict you always take Gronk first.

Put the Twitter down and walk away........just walk away.