No offense but what the fuck are you talkin’ about????
No offense but what the fuck are you talkin’ about????
Keep it up Drugstore, the world needs it.
I mean what you have to say has gravity among the people who pay attention around here, also I love your avatar but that’s neither here nor there. You are felt, I’ve read what you have to say and you are felt. OK shoot me.
Hey Drugstore, I’m nothing but just want to say your comments are felt and your avatar of that Cat that’s keepin’ a fuckin’ eye on me is one of my favorite things on this internet.
Oh, wait Canada person being shifty and assholy!
Well played, couple levels of funny with some sarcasm, well played.
Please don’t ever be shy about sharing Chris Long’s responses to any of the bullshit these fucks are bullshitting. I’d do it but I’m not on the Twitters.
God this is bad stuff.
In the words of Ron Swanson; “there’s a spinning cone of meat in the Greek restaurant next door, I don’t know what it is but I’d like to eat the whole thing”
I hear ya and don’t get me wrong, I remember the metal bleachers at Schaefer Stadium and I’m not complaining about a damn thing. I just think the poetry of a controversial trade coming back to haunt the organization so revered for ‘heartless’ moves that never seem to hurt them is the most tragic, fitting and maybe…
My arms are wide open.
Feel free to take a sip of water and pick up where you left off..:)
Am I the only Pats fan who knows in his dark heart that Jimmy G will at some point apply the kill shot to the last vestiges of this unprecedented 17 year run? It is ordained, it will happen and we will once again embrace the suck.
I didn’t tell anyone how to consume or how to interpret anything, I also wasn’t talking to ‘everyone’ - I was talking to one person and I didn’t make any attempt to ‘mediate’ the meaning of anything to that person.
Turning over a new maple leaf so to speak?
Great article, you talked about the tuck position and how hard it is to hold which is exactly the reason a similar position is used as a “stress” position in SERE school ‘summer camp’ - fun for all! please shoot me!
I’ll flip over to Fox News every now and then for the same reason people go to the zoo - it’s fascinating to wonder what the animals are thinking or if they even think at all and holy crap did that monkey just throw it’s own shit?!!?