
The fact you’re not offended or angry is all the evidence necessary to label you as part of the problem Michael’s writing about. I’m white and it pisses me off that there are people out there that are so fragile, stupid and unaware and just such a fucking waste of oxygen that someone has to write an article like this.

Dale’s always been money but sadly his target audience was either throwing their JiffyPop at the TV or only came away with “there’s nothing we can do”.

Were the cars turning right down there? #coriolis

I only clicked on this story because I hoped the guy suing him was named Newman.


“NBC initially attempted to have the official pronunciation be the correct one, but changed course after attempts to train people to use the correct pronunciation failed”

One of the great things about the Olympics is I read a headline like that and my first thought is “the dude’s first name is Gahhh, that is frickin’ awesome”, but turns out it’s just a run-of-the-mill Kristian with his face cut open.

“The IOC said that the standalone medal ceremonies were introduced during the Calgary 1988 Olympics, “in order to give the public an opportunity to view medal presentation ceremonies IOC an opportunity to sell more tickets and make more scratch.”

And the US has beaten Canada for gold in 7 of the last 8 World Championships. He didn’t say anyone was a favorite, just pointed out there are no underdogs in this scrap.

They banged one off the crossbar right after that Knight whiff. Great game between these two as usual and there were some extracurriculars at the end - a borderline donnybrook. Rematch should be extra spicy.

From my perspective the only ones who support this are old time vets, people who’ve never been in the military and people who’ve been in the military for about 20 minutes.

Now playing

Don’t let Linda’s presence fool you, BB is there scouting a Linebacker.

Great scene but Bunk is so right, having the super wrap it up with “Well, I’ll be fucked” would have been money.

I’ll say this for halfpipe, it’s about the only sport decided by judges that I can usually tell who was best even though I can’t tell a 1440 Frontside Twisty McStuffin from a Triple Lindy.

I flew an EMS helo for many years. If something like a door breaks it doesn’t necessarily render the aircraft un-flyable but by regulation it can’t be flown until a mechanic looks at it, even if you just crack a navigation light, technically it can’t fly. The helo isn’t overly fragile, they were just politely asking

A tailrotor strike can not only destroy the blades on the tailrotor but break the tailrotor driveshaft and also destroy the main transmission which the TR driveshaft is connected to. Also a sudden stop of the tailrotor can throw the main rotor out of balance or at the very least overspeed the shit out of it.

Any phrase starting with “Sean Hannity thinks....” or “Sean Hannity says....” holds the same weight among people who aren’t fucking imbeciles as “My dog thinks....” or “My hamster says....”

That’s par for the course in these parts.

“Watch this” came right after “hold my Egg McMuffin”

So combat helped to teach you your politics? Really? Really? No son, the terrible ideas supported by the Republicans don’t come from combat, they come from dipshits with terrible ideas, no combat or Marine Corps needed.